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Scania Ecolution and Rakan Kongsi Berjaya Mengurangkan CO2 Bersamaan Dengan Penanaman 10 000 Pokok

Scania Ecolution bersama dengan pelanggan Scania telah mencapai jumlah pengurangan 681,000 kg Karbon Dioksida (CO2) sehingga kini. Jumlah ini adalah setara dengan penanaman kira-kira 10,000 pokok yang tumbuh mekar selama setahun lepas.

Scania Ecolution adalah kerjasama khusus antara Scania dan para pelanggan untuk mengurangkan penggunaan bahan api, justeru membantu dalam pengurangan pelepasan CO2. Perkongsian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengurangkan kos operasi yang seterusnya membawa kepada keuntungan lebih baik selain memenuhi permintaan inisiatif mesra alam yang semakin meningkat.

Prasyarat Scania Ecolution adalah dengan mendaftar ‘Scania Fleet Management System (FMS) Control 10 Package’. Sehingga kini, lebih 200 trak dan koc dari lebih 30 pelanggan telah dioptimumkan dengan spesifikasi yang sesuai bagi memenuhi operasi masing-masing.

Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad, yang menggunakan solusi menyeluruh Scania, adalah pelanggan koc Ecolution pertama di Asia pada tahun 2018. Kenderaan yang
dioptimumkan ini dilengkapi dengan FMS di mana data tentang kenderaan dan pemandu dapat diperoleh untuk analisis. Prestasi pemandu boleh ditingkatkan
berdasarkan data ini. Di samping itu, khidmat latihan dan bimbingan juga dapat mengurangkan masa terbiar, pembrekan secara tiba-tiba dan memandu melebihi had
laju untuk mencapai kecekapan bahan api yang lebih baik selain mengurangkan jejak karbon.

“Kemampanan dan keuntungan boleh berjalan serentak. Ini terbukti apabila Scania Ecolution dan pelanggan kami mencapai prestasi lebih baik selepas selepas menyertai Scania Ecolution. Sememangnya, ini petanda baik untuk beralih kepada sistem pengangkutan yang lebih mampan di negara ini,” kata Pengarah Urusan Scania Southeast Asia, Marie Sjödin Enström.

AONE Logistics Sdn Bhd, pelanggan trak Scania Ecolution pertama di Asia, percaya bahawa sasaran ini boleh dicapai melalui pengoptimuman kenderaan serta pengurangan pelepasan bahan api dan CO2 yang dipersetujui. Kemajuan dalam mencapai sasaran ini akan sentiasa dipantau, dinilai dan dibincangkan dengan Pengurus Scania Ecolution secara berkala bagi memastikan pencapaian keputusan yang diinginkan.

Mohd Sidek Amzah Enterprise, pengedar gas petroleum cecair (LPG) eksklusif di Senai, Johor, yakin akan cara kerja Ecolution dan menganggap Scania Ecolution
sebagai alat operasi yang penting memandangkan bahawa syarikat beliau masih mampu bersaing dengan syarikat lebih besar walaupun hanya sebuah syarikat yang
agak kecil di pasaran. Ini sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh penjimatan kos daripada penggunaan bahan api yang lebih rendah. Lebih penting, Scania Ecolution membantu
mengurangkan jejak karbon syarikat, justeru merendahkan impak kepada alam sekitar.

Sebagai pengeluar utama kenderaan komersial berat, sasaran iklim Scania yang meluas telah diluluskan oleh inisiatif Sasaran Berasaskan Sains (‘Science Based Target initiative’ atau SBTi). Scania komited untuk mencapai matlamat perjanjian Paris iaitu mengehadkan pemanasan global hingga 1.5°C melebihi paras praindustri.

Scania akan memotong pelepasan CO2 sebanyak 50 peratus daripada operasinya menjelang tahun 2025, di samping mengurangkan pelepasan daripada produknya 
sebanyak 20 peratus dalam tempoh yang sama. Scania Ecolution adalah salah satu daripada pelbagai inisiatif ke arah pencapaian matlamat ini.

“Kami di Scania kekal komited dalam mendorong peralihan ke arah sistem pengangkutan yang mampan. Pendaftaran yang semakin bertambah menunjukkan
bahawa Scania Ecolution mungkin akan diterima sebagai suatu standard di kalangan pelanggan di Malaysia, sambil mengorak langkah ke Asia Tenggara,” tambah Marie.

SCANIA ECOLUTION 与合作伙伴成功削减相等于植树一万棵的二氧化碳排放

莎阿南武吉日落洞 – Scania Ecolution 与 Scania 客户迄今已成功减少总计 68 万 1 千公斤 的二氧化碳,相等于在过去一年内栽种约 1 万棵树。

Scania Ecolution 是 Scania 与客户之间量身定制的合作关系,强调节省燃油以减少二氧化碳排 放。此合作关系也注重削减营运成本以提升盈利,同时迎合日趋重要的环保措施需求。

签订 Scania 车队管理系统(FMS)Control 10 配套是 Scania Ecolution 合作关系的前提。如今已有三十多家客户按业务所需,将旗下两百多辆卡车和巴士的规格加以优化。 

早在 2018 年,Konsortium E-Mutiara 有限公司便已是亚洲首个巴士 Ecolution 客户,它也 签订了 Scania 的全方位解决方案。经优化的车辆配合车队管理系统提供车辆和驾驶员数据供 分析。利用这些数据来改进驾驶员表现,加上训练和辅导服务可减少空转、急刹车或超速驾驶,从而改善燃油效率和减少碳足迹。

Scania 东南亚区董事经理 Marie Sjödin Enström 指出:“Scania Ecolution 与客户们已证 明永续发展和盈利是可以协同并进的,从此也只见进步。这对国内转向永续运输发展系统的趋 势而言是个好现象。”

亚洲首家 Scania Ecolution 卡车客户 AONE Logistics 私人有限公司则认为通过车辆优化和 协定降低燃油及二氧化碳排放可达到目标。他们将与 Scania Ecolution 经理定期监督、评估 和商讨目标的完成进度以确保取得所要的绩效。 

柔佛州士乃的独家液化石油气经销商 Mohd Sidek Amzah Enterprise 信任 Ecolution 的运作 方式,并视 Scania Ecolution 为重要的业务运营工具。他们虽然属较小型的业者,但仍可与 其它大公司一较长短,原因是除了低燃油消耗带来的成本节约之外,更重要的是 Scania Ecolution 可帮助他们减少碳足迹和减轻对环境的影响。 

作为首家重型商业车辆的主要生产商,Scania 影响深远的气候目标已获得‘科学减碳倡议组 织’(Science Based Target initiative,简称 SBTi)的正式批准。Scania 承诺将完成巴黎 协定的目标,将全球暖化幅度限制在不超过工业化前水平以上的摄氏 1.5 度。Scania 将最迟 于 2025 年将本身业务的二氧化碳排放减半,并在同期间减少产品的排放百分之二十,而 Scania Ecolution 便是为了达成此目标的众多举措之一。 

Marie 最后说到:“Scania 的目标是推动迈向永续运输发展系统,我们会继续全力投入这方 面。从客户的踊跃参与看来,马来西亚客户很可能会倡领东南亚,使 Scania Ecolution 成为

Scania Introduces First Commercial Electric Truck Range

This week, ,Scania commercially launches its range of electric trucks, a milestone in its aim to be leading in the transition to a sustainable transport system. The high-performance plug-in hybrid and fully electric trucks initially focus on urban applications, including distribution to retailers.

With Scania’s proven record in delivering premium diesel and renewable fuel trucks, the launch marks a significant step in the company’s development. Over the coming years, Scania will continue to develop its range of electrified vehicles for all applications, including long-haulage and construction.

“It is with a great deal of pride that we announce the start of Scania’s long-term electrification commitment,” says Scania’s President and CEO Henrik Henriksson. “We will over the coming years annually launch electrified products for our entire range and we are presently reorganising our production towards that end. Of particular significance is that we will in a few years’ time, also introduce long-distance electric trucks adapted for fast charging during drivers’ compulsory 45-minute rest periods.” 

Electrification of the heavy commercial truck fleet is decisive in reaching the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to well below 2°C. E-vehicles will therefore increasingly be an attractive option for progressive customers. Scania will in the initial stages, develop and deploy hybrid and fully electric trucks in partnership with these forward-looking customers.

The Scania fully electric truck – offered with L- and P-series cabs – is equipped with a 165–300 kWh battery pack for the 230 kW electric motor, equal to approximately 310 hp. Customers can select either five or nine batteries, the latter for a range of up to 250 km on a single charge.

Scania’s plug-in hybrid truck, also available for L- and P-series cabs, provides opportunities to travel long distances in a combustion engine mode and subsequently drive up to 60 km in an electric mode when required. Combined with renewable fuel, operators can significantly reduce their climate impact.

Both these technologies build upon the Scania’s modular system with components tried-and-tested throughout Scania’s truck range, well-known for their durability and reliability.

“Although electrified vehicles in certain aspects represent a new technology, we’ve taken all possible steps to ensure that we apply the same unwavering uptime criteria as for our other trucks,” says Anders Lampinen, Director, New Technologies. “Scania signifies premium quality and needless to say that characterises our electrified trucks as well.”

In addition to general cargo and temperature-controlled transports, e-trucks can be gainfully deployed with bodywork as hooklifts, tippers, concrete mixers and refuse collectors as well as for fire and rescue services.

“We are convinced that progressive customers will be eager to lead the way into electrification by taking initial steps to future-proof their fleets,” says Lampinen. “In major transport companies with large fleets, implementation gives them an early opportunity to gain experience in this area. Meanwhile, we know that large transport buyers are interested in reducing their carbon footprints.”

Both the plug-in and fully electric truck will be essential for operating in the growing number of urban areas around the world with low-emission city centre zones. They also provide opportunities for increased vehicle utilisation. With silent deliveries, transport services can be extended well into the night and early mornings, avoiding traffic congestion and parking difficulties. Studies show that off-peak deliveries can be more than 30 percent quicker than on equivalent daytime transport routes thanks to simpler parking at delivery points, less queuing, higher speeds and more frequently green lights at intersections.

The fully electric truck comes with an option for five batteries for a total of 165 kWh or nine batteries for 300 kWh installed capacity. With the combustion engine removed, one battery is placed in the former engine tunnel with the remaining four or eight batteries placed along the chassis side.

The batteries can be conveniently charged by 130 kW DC using a Combined Charging System (CCS) connector. The charging time is less than 55 minutes for the five-battery option and less than 100 minutes for the nine-battery option. Meanwhile, the batteries are continuously charged in motion through regenerative braking energy.

Since the plug-in hybrid truck also has a combustion engine unit, the available space for batteries is less. It is equipped with three batteries for an installed capacity of 90 kWh for the 115 kW electric motor. The charging time from nil to 80 percent is approximately 35 minutes and in addition to charging via regenerative braking energy, battery power can be topped up during loading and unloading. The electric powertrain is combined with a 280–360 hp combustion engine. The range in electric mode alone is 60 km.

With the silent mode of both trucks and the remarkable acceleration of the the fully electric truck of 2200 Nm torque, they offer a very different and exciting driving experience. “We know that there are plenty of young and experienced drivers that will be attracted not only by tangibly contributing to sustainable transports but also by the opportunity to be among the first on the road with these trucks of the future.”

Scania Malaysia Celebrates its First 50 Years of Many Milestone Firsts

Scania celebrates the First 50 Years in Malaysia in 2021 and has seen many firsts in the country and in the heavy commercial vehicle industry. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers of yesterday, today and the future for their continued trust in Scania. These first 50 years in Malaysia have been very inspiring for us and the next 50 and beyond will be even more exciting as we continue to drive the shift together towards a more sustainable transport system,” says Marie Sjödin Enström, Managing Director, Scania Southeast Asia.

It all started in 1971 with the first Scania LB110 truck’s arrival at Port Klang, delivered to Kontena Nasional. Scania has been leading in driving the shift towards a more sustainable transport system since then and has continued to support the logistics, construction and public service sectors, commuting people and goods every day throughout the country. The first locally assembled truck, and the first low-floor city bus were delivered in 1994.

Then in 2006, Scania delivered the first PGR-series. The first B-Double in Malaysia arrived in 2012. Scania Credit Malaysia provided the first financial services in 2013. Scania Assistance started the first 24/7 roadside assistance in 2014 and Fleet Management Systems were first introduced in the same year. Scania then got recognised for all its efforts by winning the Sustainable Urban Transport Award in 2017. A record year of vehicle sales, signing the first Scania Ecolution customer, the first school to be spearheaded by “Master Sustainability by Scania” – all in the same year of 2018. Then delivered the first International Truck of the Year, the New Truck Generation in 2019 and the first Scania XT truck in Sarawak in 2020.

With about 300 employees, Scania Malaysia today offers capabilities in repair and maintenance, roadside assistance, genuine parts, data-driven services like fleet management systems, driver training & coaching and also financial services from Scania Credit. All from twelve dedicated Scania Malaysia Sales and Services Centres all over the country to meet the country’s public and cargo transport needs. Leaving behind a five and a half-year legacy on top of the past 50-year ones, Marie will now be passing the baton to the next Managing Director of Scania Southeast Asia.

“I have had a fulfilling 5 ½ years here in Malaysia and in Southeast Asia, working with professionals who are dedicated in always putting our customers first. I am proud to have been part of Scania Malaysia’s long-term success.,” said Marie. “The next 50 years and beyond is what Scania Malaysia will set its sight on now; and look forward to many more firsts with our loyal customers. I leave assured that the organisation and customers are in capable hands. Thank you to my colleagues, staff, partners, customers, drivers, passengers and fans of Scania. I wish you many healthy and prosperous years ahead!” said Marie with a farewell smile.

Scania Malaysia Meraikan Pelbagai Sejarah Penting Dalam 50 Tahun Pertamanya Dersedia untuk 50 Tahun Yang Beritkutnya

Scania, yang telah mencapai pelbagai kejayaan pertama di negara ini dan juga dalam industri kenderaan komersial berat, akan menyambut 50 Tahun Pertamanya di Malaysia pada tahun 2021.

“Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan masa lalu, masa kini dan masa depan atas kepercayaan berterusan mereka terhadap Scania. Sesungguhnya, 50 tahun pertama ini banyak memberi inspirasi kepada kami manakala 50 tahun yang akan datang, dan selanjutnya, dijangka lebih menarik apabila kami terus memacu peralihan ke arah sistem pengangkutan yang lebih mampan,” kata Marie Sjödin Enström, Pengarah Urusan, Scania Southeast Asia.

Semuanya bermula pada tahun 1971 dengan ketibaan trak LB110 Scania pertama di Pelabuhan Klang yang dihantar ke Kontena Nasional. Sejak itu, Scania telah mengorak langkah dalam memacu peralihan ke arah sistem pengangkutan yang lebih mampan dan terus menyokong sektor logistik, pembinaan dan perkhidmatan awam dengan mengangkut orang ramai dan barangan setiap hari di seluruh negara. 

Trak pertama yang dipasang dalam negara, dan bas bandar jenis ‘low-floor’ yang pertama telah dihantar pada tahun 1994. Kemudian pada tahun 2006, Scania menghantar trak siri PGR yang pertamanya. Trak ‘B-Double’ yang pertama tiba di Malaysia pada tahun 2012. Scania Credit Malaysia menyediakan servis kewangan yang pertama pada tahun 2013. ‘Scania Assistance’ memulakan bantuan tepi jalan 24 jam sehari yang pertama pada tahun 2014 manakala ‘Fleet Management System’ juga diperkenalkan buat
kali pertama pada tahun tersebut. Segala usaha Scania telah diiktiraf apabila ia merangkul Anugerah Pengangkutan Bandar Lestari (Sustainable Urban Transport Award) pada tahun 2017. Tahun 2018 pula menyaksikan pencapaian jumlah tertinggi dalam penjualan kenderaan, termeterainya perjanjian dengan pelanggan pertama Scania Ecolution, dan sekolah pertama diterajui oleh “Master Sustainability by Scania”. Ini diikuti dengan penghantaran ‘New Truck Generation’ iaitu pemenang anugerah ‘Trak
Antarabangsa Terbaik’ (International Truck of the Year) pertama pada tahun 2019, dan trak Scania XT ke Sarawak pada tahun 2020.

 Kini, Scania Malaysia mempunyai lebih kurang 300 kakitangan dan menawarkan keupayaan dalam pembaikan dan penyelenggaraan, bantuan tepi jalan, alat ganti asli, ’Data-driven services’ seperti‘ Fleet Management System’, latihan dan bimbingan untuk pemandu dan juga servis kewangan daripada Scania Credit. Kesemua Dua-belas Pusat Jualan dan Servis Scania Malaysia di seluruh negara mampu memenuhi keperluan pengangkutan awam dan kargo negara.

Marie, yang akan meninggalkan legasi selama lima tahun setengah beliau sebagai tambahan kepada sejarah 50 tahun terakhir syarikat, akan menyerahkan tanggungjawab beliau kepada Pengarah Urusan Scania Southeast Asia yang berikutnya.

“Pengalaman saya selama lima tahun setengah di Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara amat memuaskan, terutamanya apabila dapat bekerja dengan kakitangan profesional berdedikasi yang selalu mengutamakan pelanggan kami. Saya bangga menjadi sebahagian daripada kejayaan jangka panjang Scania Malaysia,” kata Marie. 

“Tempoh 50 tahun akan datang dan selanjutnya akan menjadi tumpuan utama Scania Malaysia dan kami tidak sabar untuk mempelopori banyak lagi kejayaan pertama dengan pelanggan setia kami. Saya meninggalkan Scania dengan keyakinan bahawa syarikat dan pelanggan berada di tangan yang baik. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua rakan sekerja, kakitangan, rakan kongsi, pelanggan, pemandu, penumpang dan peminat Scania. Saya doakan anda semua hidup sihat dan sejahtera untuk tahun-tahun akan datang!” kata Marie dengan senyuman perpisahan. 

Scania New Generation Truck Rigid Type Carries Curio Pack's Biggest Crane

Scania Malaysia delivered the Scania New Truck Generation P410B8x4NZ rigid type to Curio Pack Sdn Bhd (Curio Pack), an Integrated Logistics Solution Company that was incorporated in Malaysia in 1985.

The keys to the Scania truck was handed over by Services Director, Scania Southeast Asia, Thor Brenden to the Director of Curio Pack, Ngiam Chong Lee in a simple ceremony at Scania Malaysia’s Bukit Jelutong headquarters. “We decided on the Scania New Truck Generation rigid type as the configuration allows us to mount the crane for our operations and in Malaysia, this large high-tech crane masters extreme tasks and maximum loads just as easily as challenging precision work. This is crucial especially when part of our business involves lifting precision equipment at challenging environment,” stated Ngiam.

Aside from the New Truck Generation rigid type that was handed over today, Curio Pack has two other Scania trucks. The purchase of Scania New Truck Generation rigid type is a testament to the power, fuel economy and safety features Scania trucks have to offer. Apart from meeting the high standards that Curio Pack practices, the Scania trucks are also environmentally-friendly and will also, in the long-run, reduce the operations cost, giving better returns on the investment.

In addition, the Scania New Generation Truck rigid type was purchased with a hire purchase agreement with Scania Credit Malaysia giving Curio Pack a tailormade flexible financing solution to give predictable cost over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle. Curio Pack also enjoys two years Scania Assistance as well as ten years Scania Fleet Management system with the purchase of the Scania New Truck Generation rigid type. These services will provide Curio Pack with peace of mind in knowing that the Scania supports its customers and have their best interest in mind.

“We appreciate Curio Pack’s trust in Scania sustainable transport solutions to help provide the best profitability to his business and the environment. With a wide range of truck applications and a wide range of offering from Contracted Services to Data Driven Services, Scania will continue to support Curio Pack as usual, even during a Recovery Movement Control Order period,” said Thor Brenden.

Curio Pack is strategically represented in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam offering custom brokerage consultancy, turnkey project management, machinery and plant erection and installation, vacuum/VCI packing, warehousing and distribution.

Shacman Trucks Adopt Innoviz Software for Chinese Port Autonomous Truck Project

On 12 February, Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co. (or Shacman Trucks) signed an agreement to collaboration with Innoviz Technologies Ltd. for its LIDAR sensors and perception software. The software is about to be adopted in a project that deploys autonomous trucks at one of China’s biggest ports.

In the first stage of the autonomous trucks project, Shaanxi Truck’s autonomous proof-of-concept project is using the InnovizPro LIDAR at the Chinese port. Up to 600 trucks are expected to adopt the technology in this project.

Shaanxi is one of the largest truck manufacturers based in Xi'an, China. It consists of four truck companies as subsidiaries. Delivers 150,000 new trucks worldwide each year, Shaanxi contributes to 10,000 trucks per year for the mining sector. The China-based company is well known of its pioneering research and development efforts on autonomous vehicles.

As a sensor provider, Innoviz headquarter is located at Rosh Ha'ayin, a city in the Central District of Israel. Leading the industry, Innoviz manufactures high-performance, solid-state LIDAR sensors and perception software for the automotive, drone, robotics, mapping, and other industries. The flagship products of Innoviz include InnovizOne that specializes on automotive-grade applications and InnovizPro which is applicable for various uses. All Innoviz products deploys advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning-based classification, detection, and tracking features.

The purchase of Innoviz products is a significant move for Shaanxi as by May 2020 every truck required to have at least two advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). Based on Chinese legislation, a set of ADAS for each truck must include: 1) a mandatory camera and 2) either a radar or a LIDAR system.

Innoviz said its system will provide sensing, mapping, and location functions for autonomous driving at speeds of under 30 kilometers per hour in the harbor area. It will create detailed maps, and the software will compare the point-cloud image created by the LIDAR in real time to the location provided via preloaded maps generated by the sensors. This includes real-time identification of “free space” or “drivable space,” as well as object detection.

One major task for the trucks is to enable autonomous loading and unloading of containers in the port area. Integration of location sensors such as retroreflectors is also possible in geofenced areas such as the port, enhancing the ability of the LIDAR to fully understand its surroundings.

After testing many potential LIDAR systems, Shaanxi Trucks chose InnovizPro, a first-of-its-kind solid-state sensor for its reliability and price/performance advantages. Viewing the size of Chinese market, it is expected to open tremendous opportunities for Innoviz in extending autonomous technology to the trucking sector.

Shell Malaysia Wins the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award 2020

Shell Malaysia’s road safety programme for tertiary students, #ShellSelamatSampai Varsity Challenge, which empowers youth to critically think and use science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to solve issues pertinent to road safety, was awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award recently. The Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards recognises outstanding achievement and innovation in the UK and across the world since 1987.

Shell Malaysia embarked on road safety advocacy in 1957, refreshed its programme, #ShellSelamatSampai in 2016 and introduced the Varsity Challenge in 2017. As part of the programme’s requirement, student teams must conduct baseline studies on the current road safety issues in the country to strengthen their proposition before creating an innovative solution to address the road safety issues.

Shell Varsity Challenge creates a platform for youth to actively participate in mitigating road safety issues within their universities and surrounding communities. It aims to create road safety innovation projects that would contribute towards achieving zero road related crashes.

The judges who reviewed Shell Malaysia’s winning initiative said, ‘The innovative approaches taken to attract students to take part and the subsequent level of engagement are impressive’.

Over the last three years, the Shell Varsity Challenge has gained participation from 25 universities throughout Malaysia, with 60 positively impacted road safety innovation project prototypes being introduced. One of the prototypes is an innovation called ‘Change Lane Alert Assist’ to alert other drivers against potential head-on collisions. It was successfully built, tested and installed onto one of the participating university team’s busses. The device provided an additional 30 percent improvement to the driver’s front view visibility and the university recorded a 10 percent reduction in road accidents within campus. 

Shell Rimula Salutes Hardworking Truckers in #HeroKami Campaign

Shell Rimula salutes the efforts of many hardworking truckers who continue to tirelessly move essential goods across the country.

Shell Rimula has distributed 20,000 face masks to truckers so far.
A tribute video is also available for viewing online at

The masks were handed over at selected participating truck service centres and Northport recently.

Shell Rimula Sponsors Face Masks for Truckers

In order to support and protect our truckers, Shell Rimula has secured and sponsored 20 000 facemasks. These were to be given to truckers that are still running to keep our markets stocked, moving essential goods and thus ensuring we all have what we need to get through the lockdown period.

Given the current restrictions on personal travel, distributing the masks was another challenge that was overcome with the help of Asian Trucker.

We identified six partners that assisted in the distribution of the masks to truckers. It was crucial to ensure that no transport company was given preferential treatment. The masks were to be given out "randomly".

Working with Nittsu Transport, Northport, Scania, Volvo Trucks, Hap Seng Trucks and MAN Asian Trucker arranged for the masks to be distributed to truckers when they come in to the port or for service of their truck.

The response has been encouraging and appreciative. One of the branch managers wrote in to say "Big thank you to Shell Rimula."

Showing Support in Online Games

A friend of Asian Trucker, Mohd Akmal Arbaain, enjoys gaming in his free time. Online games simulating transportation business are his favorite. Competing on an international playground, he designed this truck to show his heritage and support for the industry.

We think that this is a good looking vehicle and we appreciate his support during this time. Hope he always has a clear road ahead of him on the data-highway!

Sign up for our E-Newsletter and Stand a Chance to Win!

Being up to date is important for any fleet manager or operator. With the Asian Trucker E-Newsletter you get the latest  updates directly into your inbox. By signing up for our E-Newsletter now you also stand a chance to win! We will give away an exclusive package to one lucky winner.

Sign up for our E-Newsletter before 31st of October and you could be the winner of our lucky draw. One new subscriber will win an Asian Trucker T-Shirt, Baseball cap and an online banner for the company on our website for a month. 

All you have to do is scroll down and put your name and email address into the sign up form, submit! The winner will be notified by the Asian Trucker team on November 1st. 

Singapore Opts for Cleaner Air

The country-state is rolling out a new scheme aimed at promoting cleaner and newer commercial vehicles starting April next year. The Commercial Vehicle Emissions Scheme (CVES) will see commercial vehicles classified into three categories based on their emission standards. The scheme will run until 31 March 2023.

Under the scheme, there will be a $10 000 surcharge for the most polluting vehicles while the cleanest vehicles will get a $30 000 incentive. The National Emergency Agency (NEA) and Land Transport Authority (LTA) said in a statement that this is to encourage buyers to choose models that have lower emissions across all criteria and are cleaner overall.

Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources said “The transport of goods and services is a major economic activity in Singapore. Commercial vehicles especially light goods vehicles are key emission sources and pollute our air due to their high mileage and reliance on diesel. ”

The CVES will apply to new vehicles as well as vehicles that are no more than three years old at registration. For owners whose vehicles are in Band A (cleanest vehicles), the incentive will be handed out annually in equal payments of $10 000 over three years. Owners of Band B vehicles will receive an upfront $10 000 incentive upon vehicle registration while owners of Band C vehicles will have pay a $10 000 surcharge upon registration.

SITCE 2020: 以人为本,发展城市流动

以"心系交通出行" 为大会主题,LTA-UITP 新加坡国际交通大会暨展会 (SITCE) 2020 将于新加坡新达城国际会议展览中心举行,从10月28日迄至30日,为期三天。大会主题将聚焦于探讨如何实现以



1. 以人为本的公共交通
2. 公共交通的安保与安全
3. 平衡票费、集资和融资
4. 新时代交通出行—主动式、共享式及综合式
5. 公共巴士产业化革命
6. 城市轨道交通的推动者: 资产、基础设施、运营和维保

在六大议题下,大约120名讲者会共同主导30多场平行会议。大会当天主要活动也包括供各业者互相交流的酒会和晚宴 ,当中一些业界代表也将受特定厂方邀请参与技术性探访。

值得一提的是,今年的SITCE为初创者和大学安排"Innovation Pulse"计划,这是往期大会前所未有的 。这意味着城市交通的潮流引领者可使用专属展览空间,向潜在的生意伙伴、客户和投资者展现自己最新的研究成果,因而推动公共交通业发展的解决方案得以实践 。