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UD Trucks Introduces its Upgrades to Quon

At UD Trucks, our mission is to use innovation to be more environmentally conscious while also putting people first,” said Jacques Michel, Senior Vice President, UD Trucks International Sales. “With our new, upgraded Quon, we are leveraging advanced and smart technologies to actively support the needs of our drivers and customers, for today and tomorrow.”

The Quon’s upgraded features make significant strides in better environmental performance while delivering reliability and improved cost efficiency.

Innovative logistics solutions that enable more environmentally sustainable transportation

UD Trucks supports Japan’s climate change mitigation commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050. The upgraded Quon exceeds Japan’s current fuel economy standards for heavy-duty vehicles by 10 per cent[1] and complies with upcoming Japanese fuel economy standards.

The upgraded Quon’s ESCOT-VI 12-speed automated manual transmission also provides improved gear shifting and suppresses fluctuations in fuel efficiency to enhance fuel economy. Owners of the upgraded Quon will see better environmental performance, which is good for their business and the society-at-large.

Advanced Features for Better efficiency, Productivity, and Profitability

The Quon’s newest upgrades will allow owners to enjoy a boost in overall productivity, through increased fuel efficiency and optimized operations that delivers a lower cost of ownership.

They can also gain enhanced performance with the Quon’s redesigned engine and rear axle that provides higher power and torque at lower engine speeds, allowing for faster acceleration. The upgraded Quon is also equipped with a lighter chassis designed for maximum payload[2], contributing to increased uptime.

Additionally, enhancements to safety features such as the Traffic Eye Cruise Control with new Stop and Driver Initiate Go function, helps to reduce the probability of potential accidents and associated repair costs.

High Quality Maintenance that Maximizes Uptime and Minimizes Operating Costs

On top of exceptional anti-wear, deposit, and soot control that protects the engine’s cylinders, pistons, rings and valve train components, the Quon’s new engine also requires one less oil filter to be replaced during servicing and uses up to 6 per cent less engine oil[3]. Engine oil replacement intervals have also been extended by up to 35 per cent3, which reduces maintenance costs and increase.

The upgrades to Quon’s engine are also complemented by UD Extra Mile Support – the full suite of vehicle support solutions that takes advantage of the entire UD Network to provide owners with prompt support throughout the life of the vehicle. This includes UD Trust Service Agreements covering optimal preventive maintenance and reliable servicing and inspections by qualified technicians, alongside the use of genuine and reliable parts.

Maintenance costs and uptime are also managed efficiently with the Quon’s connectivity to UD Trucks workshops, where an alerts monitoring system allows for dynamic service planning and preventative maintenance, resulting in fewer breakdowns.

Enhanced Active Safety Features to Keep Drivers and their Surroundings Safe

UD Trucks is committed to safety and contributing to the automotive industry’s Vision Zero goal of preventing injuries or fatalities from road collisions, while increasing safe and equitable mobility for drivers, communities, and other road users. The upgraded Quon delivers in this regard, where it puts the highest priority on the safety, well-being, and productivity of drivers.

New, advanced safety features introduced on the Quon include the improved Traffic Eye Cruise Control with new Stop & Driver Initiate Go function, that makes the vehicle safer and easier to drive by automatically controlling speed and reducing driver stress and fatigue. The upgraded Quon is also equipped with more active safety technologies, such as the Traffic Eye Brake System[4], Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) that triggers an alarm to alert drivers when they unintentionally leave the lane and UD Stability Control that automatically detects and adjusts engine output and braking to retain truck stability.

Diverse Features Allowing Drivers to Focus on the Road Ahead

The Quon has several unique features that maximize performance. Drivers of the upgraded Quon can benefit from its attention to enhanced drivability and safety, through its innovative features, such as more accurate fuel readings, redesigned fuel tank that provides higher ground clearance, stainless steel muffler covers that minimize susceptibility to rust and an additional, second front axle park brake for increased safety.

Drivability and comfort are also elevated with the intuitively designed ESCOT-VI automated manual transmission that is simple and easy-to-use, making gear shifting easier and faster, as well as the redesigned four-spoke steering wheel for a more ergonomic and comfortable grip. Alongside dedicated driver development tools and fuel coaching feature, the Quon delivers operational efficiency and productivity.

UD Trucks continues to use technology to make its better trucks, in line with its Better Life purpose to make life better for people and the planet.

The newest upgrades to Quon will be introduced in international markets, namely Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa from August 2022, with features differing between markets. 

UD Trucks 和陈唱工业用具私人有限公司移交10辆崭新的 Quester重型牵引车给东南亚物流服务供应商EH Utara Holdings

马来西亚UD Trucks 和独家授权经销伙伴陈唱工业用具私人有限公司(TCIE)日前通过吉打的授权经销商LK Utara私人有限公司移交10多辆UD Quester 重型卡车给长期客户——东南亚规模最大的物流服务供应商EH Utara Holdings 私人有限公司(EH Utara)。这10辆Quester 重型卡车包括5辆UD Quester GDE 6x2 牵引车和5辆 GKE 4x2 牵引车。

EH Utara是一家成立于1975年的本地企业。该公司从一家小型贸易公司发展成东南亚最大的物流服务供应商之一,提供完整的跨境物流服务,并采用无缝转运和卓越的追踪系统。该公司表示,随着物流行业在后疫情时代越来越蓬勃发展,崭新的UD Quester 牵引车将用于应付该公司日益增长的业务需求。

EH Utara共有120辆卡车。随着10辆新卡车加入公司的车队,EH Utara如今拥有91辆UD trucks 卡车。两家公司的高管日前在一场简单但隆重的交车仪式上,见证这个欢庆车队再增UD trucks卡车的重要时刻。

在交车仪式上,马来西亚UD Trucks 董事经理Steve Hedouin提道:“首先,我们要感谢EH Utara对UD Trucks所给予的信任和支持,并成为我们长期和忠实的客户。”

“UD Quester 卡车是见证日本不断创新的杰作,它为当今的物流行业提供更精明的解决方案。UD Quester 将一流的燃油效益和持久耐用特性结合在一起,行稳致远,它给予的额外动力和性能使这部重型卡车成为客户的理想长途良伴。 我们很高兴本公司的卡车能协助推进EH Utara的业务增长,往后的日子我们也会继续这么做。

Quester 的GDE 和 GKE 手动变速箱车款采用符合欧3标准的GH11柴油引擎,最大输出功率为390匹马力,并搭载空气动力学设计、带卧铺的座舱、复合式保险杠、污物导流板、电动座舱倾斜等功能。Quester 卡车还具备超强的制动能力,这是因为卡车搭载了全空气制动系统和自动松弛调节器等部件。

EH Utara Holdings 私人有限公司执行董事Jack Lim说:“作为东盟其中一家大型物流服务供应商,我们的业务规模巨大,地理范围广,所以我们需要出动性能强大、卓越、省油、行驶时间长、安全和舒适的重型卡车。”

“我们的公司于1998年购买第一辆UD卡车,自此之后,我们便一直支持这个卡车品牌。我很有把握地说,我们非常满意UD Trucks 卡车的质量和表现。只要我们有需要,陈唱工业用具私人有限公司的服务团队可随时准备支援我们的卡车。这些都是为我们的业务和客户增值的关键因素,尤其是竭力保持卡车使用寿命期限的生产力。”

陈唱工业用具私人有限公司执行董事谢德明(Say Teck Ming)说:“UD Quester 卡车专为实现更长的行驶时间及更安全的驾驶保障而诞生,它要协助我们的客户,例如EH Utara 等企业,在竞争环境中保持领先的地位。此外, UD Quester 卡车备有宽敞的座舱,以及专为司机而设的功能,这些设计使得长途行驶更舒适,并且也可以缓解司机的疲劳。这个经过精心设计的驾驶环境有助于提高行驶安全和燃油效益,同时帮助我们的客户在极具竞争的环境中为车队留住经验丰富的司机。”

马来西亚的UD Trucks 客户可享有陈唱工业用具私人有限公司遍布全马各地的服务中心,以及经销商网络提供的UD Extra Mile Support 后援服务,包括UD原厂配件、UD 驾驶员培训、UD 远程信息处理系统和 UD Trust 服务协议。 

Video Inside - Asian Buses Roadshow: The SupeNice Tour 2022

The idea was simple: we wanted to experience bus travel in Malaysia to visit a few places that we hadn’t seen for<a while. When we floated the idea to Super Nice, which is headquartered in Prai, with an affiliated companyin Singapore, this took on a slightly different twist. Super Nice also offers chartered buses, complete withdrivers, for groups to plan their own tours. Perfect for corporate events, tourist groups or large families wanting to explore Malaysia, this is the perfect vehicle to truly Cuti-Cuti Malaysia.

Vital Stops to Keep your Buses Moving Profitably

Today’s operations require vehicles to offer as much uptime as possible. On one hand, the biggest enemy of any bus operator is an unplanned breakdown, requiring the vehicle to be pulled in for repairs. Not only does this affect the bottom line, but also the reputation of the company as passenger may suffer delays and could be inconvenienced. Planned maintenance on the other hand, is helping to ensure that a vehicle is continuously providing the hours required on the road to turn a profit.

The service network of Scania in Malaysia is comprised of eight workshops in peninsular Malaysia and four in East Malaysia. Strategically placed, they offer operators fast turn-around and expert knowledge to get their vehicles back on the road. Although a very important aspect of running a bus fleet, the scheduled service intervals constitute downtime. Therefore, the location of the workshops is of great importance as the driving distance should be kept at a minimum. The scenic routes are reserved for the charter buses!

At each of the workshops, Scania’s teams comprise of technicians and specialists. For instance, dedicated staff is handling the parts warehouse: availability of parts is crucial for the swift turn-around of the vehicles. Using modern technology, each vehicle is being thoroughly checked before the service is carried out. Equipped with computers, technicians can accurately evaluate the status of all parts and decided if anything needs to be fixed in consultation with the client. Sometimes, it pays to have parts replaced a bit ahead of their intended lifespan in order to avoid the vehicle to come in for another service soon after. The availability of parts is guaranteed by the teams planning ahead on when a vehicle should be coming in for a regular service. Should parts be needed outside the recommended schedule, the central warehouses in Bukit Jelutong and Singapore feed the supply chain and even more uncommon parts can quickly be delivered to any of the workshops should the need arise.

Through Scania’s proprietary Fleet Management System connectivity and real-time vehicle data is ensured. By way of analysing the driving style of each driver, Scania offers proactive and preventive services to maximise uptime and operating economy. Scania’s approach to service and maintenance is reflected in the new slogan, which was present during the Malaysia Commercial Vehicle Expo 2022: “Profit Now. Profit Tomorrow.”

In the event of a break-down, Scania’s mobile teams will come to rescue the vehicle. Applying the same time rule of allowing two hours to respond and to get to the break-down site, the dedicated technicians are well-trained in maintenance in the field. Should a repair on site not be possible, the buses will be towed to the nearest workshop where they are being readied again for operation.

Although service intervals have been growing in terms of milage that a vehicle can drive before coming in for a service, it is not recommended to exceed the intervals as per indication by Scania. While such delays may impact the cash flow, the practice of extending service intervals also adds risks to the operation. As many components are interconnected, a faulty or worn out part can impact other parts which may then require premature replacement. Not expensing services in one week may quickly result in more money needing to be spent.
Workshops are more than repair shops: they can be career spring boards too. Having solid and profound knowledge of the vehicles can allow staff to move laterally in their careers. Knowing how to fix a bus for instance can be highly beneficial in designing it. Another aspect is that the act of servicing vehicles can yield data for the OEM on how to improve the design and functionality of the bus. All the more reasons to adhere to the service schedule as indicated by the manufacturer.

Volvo Buses Wins UITP Climate and Health Award

The annual International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Awards showcase the most ambitious and innovative public transport projects of the last two years in cities and regions across the globe. The 2021 awards ceremony took place in Dubai on 6 February.

“We are delighted to see our electromobility delivery in Gothenburg win this important award,” says Ulf Magnusson, SVP Europe at Volvo Buses. “Electrifying 35 percent of a city bus fleet overnight demands extensive planning, close collaborations and expertise. The project is part of our ongoing commitment to quiet, clean and sustainable public transport that helps to create Zero Cities all over the world.”

Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General, UITP says: "The UITP Awards celebrates the most ambitious and cutting-edge projects from around the globe. Volvo Buses and the Gothenburg delivery exceeded expectations on all the criteria that we set. We felt the project excelled at enhancing quality of life in urban areas by promoting public transport while positioning it as the backbone of urban and local mobility. The project managed to do this innovatively, with prospects for replication by our colleagues in the sector. We congratulate them and are very proud to offer them a UITP Award!”

The Gothenburg delivery included the provision of 145 Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated buses and charging infrastructure in the city. Close partnerships with the local public transport authority Västtrafik, and the bus operators Transdev, were essential for the project to succeed. Implementation of the entire electromobility system and bus fleet took place overnight for a seamless transition.

The environmental benefits have been significant. Calculations show that CO2 emissions in city traffic have been reduced by 10 percent compared to the replaced vehicles, which were already running on renewable fuels. Emissions of nitrogen oxides have almost halved and particles have decreased by almost 20 percent.

Volvo Buses’ in-depth experience and competence in a range of electromobility solutions has been bolstered by the recent launch of its global BZL Electric chassis. It offers a solid platform that will accelerate the transition to sustainable and efficient public transport around the world. 

Volvo Hosted Conference "Insights into Electric Buses" in Malaysia

Volvo Buses was proud to host the “Insights into Electric Buses” conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on May 24th, 2022. Graced by the Ministry of Transport and The Swedish Embassy, the ambition of the conference was to grow awareness, share knowledge and drive insights into successful electric bus adaptation and eventually contribute to building a sustainable electromobility road map in Malaysia.

Attended by over 80 delegates from public transport operators, government agencies and various institutional outlets, in attendance were also guests of honour, YBhg Ola Pihlblad, Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission from Embassy of Sweden to Malaysia, and Ybhg Datuk Isham bin Ishak, Secretary General from Ministry Of Transport, Malaysia - who both opened the conference with speeches addressing the determination of Malaysia towards its commitment in achieving a carbon-neutral state, and the direction towards a sustainable future of public transport in Malaysia. 

The conference drew on the knowledge and expertise of Volvo Buses’ electromobility experts, the experience, and findings from pioneering operators as well as the learnings and reflections from charging infrastructure partners. With specially invited subject matter experts from Australia, Sweden and Singapore, the conference addressed key considerations for electric buses’ operation and maintenance, charging infrastructure set up and energy system storage management, paving a concrete road map for emerging market’s adaptation of electric buses.

“I am pleased to witness the initiative from Volvo Buses and their passion in sharing the experience in electromobility from other markets. Malaysia via its National  Transport Policy 2019-2030 is committed towards realising the greener environment ambition and electrifying the public transport system is an important footstep towards our objective and ambition on sustainability.” said Datuk Isham Ishak, Secretary General of Ministry of Transport Malaysia.

Key topics presented to delegates were:

• Key Considerations for Electric Bus Adoption
• Electric Bus Maintenance and Operations
• Fundamentals for The Implementation of Electric Bus
• Charging Infrastructure Set Up
• Energy Storage and Systems Concept

The programme also included a panel discussion on ‘Moving towards electromobility in emerging markets’. Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Ts Dr Wan Mazlina Wan Mohamed,
Head of Training & CPD., MiTRANS, the panel platform aimed to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences, and opportunities to identify a suitable way moving towards a sustainable electromobility journey in Malaysia.

“Volvo Buses is extremely proud to host and organise this insightful conference, contributing to the continued development of a successful and sustainable public
transportation system in Malaysia. Volvo has immense experience in electromobility. In Sweden we delivered 145 fully electric buses to the Gothenburg city and in Asia
Pacific, we were the first to introduce the self-charging electric buses in Singapore and last year we launched Volvo BZL fully electric chassis in Australia. At Volvo
Buses, we are determined to be the most desired and successful provider of sustainable people transport solutions. It is this vision that led Volvo to the forefront
in understanding people transport, leveraging vehicle knowledge, technology, connectivity and data to develop and deliver innovative solutions and business
models to the benefit of society and driving quality of life,” says David Mead, Vice President of Volvo Buses Region Asia Pacific.

Volvo is Celebrating 200 000 chassis in Borås

Since 1977, Volvo's Borås factory has manufactured bus chassis for the global markets now reaching the milestone of 200 000 units produced. The chassis number 200 000 was their latest Volvo BZL Electric, a coincidence, but of high probability since the brand has been ramping up the production of this particular after the recent launch.

Even though number 200 000 was an BZL Electric, over 50 different chassis models have been made in Borås and some of the most popular models were the Volvo B10M, Volvo B7R/B7RLE and the Volvo B11R.

The Borås factory is Volvo's industrial hub for chassis production for global markets and is one of the first bus production facilities that relies solely on renewable energy. All the energy that the factory uses comes from renewable sources, such as hydropower and biofuels. If you would like to read more

The picture is from the occasion when Volvo celebrated chassis number 200 000. In the picture there are some employees from the Borås plant including Joakim Wretman, Vice President Operations, Borås and Anna Westerberg, President of Volvo Buses. 

What it Takes to Win the IToY Truck Innovation Award

annual Truck Innovation Award has been launched in 2018 by the International Truck of the Year organisation (IToY) which reflects the ongoing energy-transition taking place within the automotive industry towards new, unconventional, low-environmental footprint trucks.

Entries to the Truck Innovation Award will be nominated and judged in parallel with the long-running International Truck of the Year award.

The main criterion for the nomination and election of a truck for the Truck Innovation Award will be based on its likely contribution to increasing the efficiency of transport of goods by road in the foreseeable future, as well as the potential reduction of its environmental footprint within the countries involved in the International Truck of the Year Organisation.

The nominated truck must be an advanced technology vehicle, with a gross vehicle weight over 3.5 tonnes. It should either feature an alternative driveline — e.g. hybrid, hybrid range-extender, all-electric — or have an alternative fuel-system such as LNG/CNG/ hydrogen/fuel cells etc.

Alternatively, it will have specific ‘Hi-tech’ solutions in terms of ‘vehicle connectivity’ — whether semi-autonomous /fully-autonomous driving systems, ‘platooning’ capability, advanced support services such as remote diagnostics etc. — that are still in a prototype/early-development phase (single unit), or in ‘small series’ production.

But whatever the specification, ‘Truck Innovation Award’ nominees must be a ‘driveable truck’ i.e. one-off concept vehicles are not eligible.

The inaugural ceremony of the Truck Innovation Award will take place during the IAA Commercial Vehicle Show in Hanover when the first winner will be announced

Worsening Traffic Jams by Banning Trucks

Traffic jam in plaguing many large cities. Recently, the strict enforcement of a ban of heavy goods vehicles into Kuala Lumpur was announced. Which will create even worse traffic jams. Here is why: this is likely to be the same flawed logic as what banks applied by cutting hours to reduce contact between people. However, the number of trucks is not going to be reduced, just shifted. If X equals the number of trucks on the road at a given time, V the total truck population and T is the time, then when T is reduced, X goes up. The trucks won’t go away, they are just being delayed and then added to the vehicles on the road at a later time. In essence, there will be MORE vehicles on the road outside the exclusion times.

As business people are after profits, they will ensure that the delivery takes place, with or without the ban. One solution is to send in smaller vehicles, which are still permitted. Instead of one heavy vehicle, there will now be four small ones to deliver the same volume. Maybe that means smaller profit margins, but it means goods are moving faster too.

The solution is not to re-schedule vehicles. What must be done is an elimination of vehicles. The ratio of one commercial vehicle to approximately 30 private cars is the problem. Would it make any difference if 100 trucks would be rescheduled? One can daresay: hardly. However, if 120 people took a bus, ditching their cars, that would make a lot more space on the road. It is the other type of commercial vehicle that needs to be deployed. What is needed is an order for about 5 000 buses in all shapes and forms. These buses need to be running frequently, dependable and between places that people need to and want to go to. With the addition of heavily enforced, dedicated bus lanes it will be a sure case of building it and they will come. As a net effect, the trucks will not get stuck in traffic either, further reducing emission, noise and congestion. 

Another way to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads is to increase their capacity. Today’s trucks have powerful engines and increasing the length of trailers would certainly not be a major issue for the prime mover. What we see in Europe is an increase of permissible trailer length by one to two Euro palette lengths. Assuming we add 2.4 meters of length to a trailer, that allows for up to 12 more palettes to be loaded! When we multiply this across fleet sizes and trips made to re-supply supermarkets, malls and depots, a significant amount of capacity will be added. And we may see fewer trucks on the road as each truck pulls more.

Similarly, we can increase the number of B-Double trailers to be put into action on long-haul routes. Again, the trucks would surely be able to pull them safely and efficiently. This would again increase the capacity while at the same time addressing the driver shortage.

ZF Launches New “Commercial Vehicle Solutions” Division

On January 13th, ZF announced the successful start of its new “Commercial Vehicle Solutions” (CVS) division with effect from January 1, 2022. The new division combines ZF’s expertise in the commercial vehicle industry and will significantly advance solutions for safe, sustainable and digitized transport. The new division unites ZF’s former Commercial Vehicle Technology and Commercial Vehicle Control Systems divisions, the latter of which was formed from ZF’s May 2020 acquisition of WABCO.

“With the new CVS division, ZF is now positioning itself as the world's largest component and system supplier for the commercial vehicle industry. Thanks to our broad technological positioning and global market presence, we can offer our customers the key solutions they need to transform their product portfolio from a single source. Leveraging our regional structure, we offer significant advantages and close customer proximity for truck, bus and trailer manufacturers as well as fleet operators, wherever they are in the world,” said Wilhelm Rehm, member of the ZF Board of Management with responsibility for the new division. "In line with our 'Next Generation Mobility' corporate strategy, CVS will accelerate ZF's global growth strategy.”

ZF’s Commercial Vehicle Solutions division is supported by around 25,000 employees based across 61 locations in 28 countries.

ระบบและเทคโนโลยีในรถ MAN (เอ็ม เอ เอ็น) พร้อมสำหรับรับมือกับการขนส่งในฤดูฝนของประเทศไทย

ระบบและเทคโนโลยีในรถ MAN (เอ็ม เอ เอ็น) พร้อมสำหรับรับมือกับการขนส่งในฤดูฝนของประเทศไทย

MAN BrakeMatic ระบบเบรคล้อแบบลมล้วนควบคุมด้วยอิเลคโทรนิค (EBS) แบบดิสค์เบรคทั้งด้านหน้าและด้านหลัง ช่วยให้คนขับสามารถสั่งการหยุดรถได้รวดเร็วทันใจ เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการเบรคและตอบสนองได้อย่างทันท่วงที โดยเฉพาะในกรณีฉุกเฉินที่คนขับต้องหยุดรถกะทันหัน โดย เอ็ม เอ เอ็น เสริมความประสิทธิภาพความปลอดภัยอีกขั้นด้วยการติดตั้งมาพร้อมกับ

ระบบป้องกันล้อล็อคอัตโนมัติ (ABS) ซึ่งเป็นระบบอัจฉริยะที่ช่วยให้คนขับสามารถควบคุมพวงมาลัยรถเพื่อป้องกันอุบัติเหตุ เมื่อต้องเบรกกะทันหัน

ระบบช่วยเบรกอัตโนมัติ Electronic Brake Assistance (EBA) ระบบประมวลผลระยะห่างสิ่งกีดขวางหน้าตัวรถ ที่ตอบสนองอย่างฉับไวเมื่อมีรถวิ่งตัดหน้าหรือเกิดการเบรกกะทันหัน โดยจะแจ้งเตือนผ่านรูปแบบเสียงและไฟบนหน้าปัด พร้อมช่วยเบรกอัตโนมัติหากพบว่ามีความเสี่ยงที่จะเกิดอุบัติเหตุ เป็นระบบช่วยเพิ่มความปลอดภัยอีกขั้นเพื่อความอุ่นใจของคนขับตลอดเส้นทางการขับขี่

ระบบอัจฉริยะ Adaptive Cruise control ระบบที่ช่วยควบคุมความเร็วอัตโนมัติ ที่สามารถจับความเร็วของรถคันหน้า และรักษาความเร็วของตัวรถได้อย่างคงที่ โดยที่คนขับไม่จำเป็นต้องเหยียบคันเร่ง เพียงประคองพวงมาลัยรถไว้เท่านั้น เป็นอีกเทคโนโลยีอัจฉริยะที่ลูกค้า เอ็ม เอ เอ็น สามารถเลือกติดตั้งเสริมในรถบรรทุกเพื่อความปลอดภัยสูงสุดอีกขั้นได้


大马五十铃宣布位于吉隆坡的全新门店Autoexec Corporation 3S 中心正式开业,除此之外大马五十铃也宣布了未来的全新门店设计,采用了更为壮丽,更具活力的外观以及独特的标志,为潜在的顾客和买家提供一个更为独特,更容易识别的场所,以满足他们对五十铃的所有需求. 



新的Autoexec Corporation 3S 展销店位于吉隆坡北部的Jalan Jinjang Permai一块1,400平方米的土地上,提供所有的五十铃产品-包括皮卡、轻型卡车、中型卡车以及大型卡车等等的销售以及售后服务。 





  • 更友好的接待区
  • 舒适的灯光和温馨的氛围
  • 五十铃爱好者的商品专区
  • 环保数字信息展示屏
  • 皮卡车专用的接收区
  • 宽敞现代的展示区,包括旗舰车辆观体验区

这位于吉隆坡的 Autoexec Corporation 展销店将成为第一家展示五十铃全新面貌的分店,同时全马各地的五十铃展示厅也会在随后进行更新,预计未来两年内完成


五十铃将新一代GIGA牵引车交付给XINSTEEL 私人有限公司 未来还会再交付2辆崭新GIGA卡车!

马来西亚五十铃(Isuzu Malaysia)私人有限公司透露,巴生铁板厂商Xinsteel私人有限公司最近购买并接收了该公司第一辆GIGA EXZ460 6x4 手动牵引车。这款卡车是新一代的五十铃 GIGA牵引车。此外,该公司也再订购了两辆最新的GIGA卡车,五十铃预计在未来两个月便能交付这两辆卡车。Xinsteel 是向五十铃授权经销商SV Prestige 私人有限公司购买这3辆卡车。 

Xinsteel 私人有限公司成立于2011年,主要经营高炉和钢铁厂业务。该公司已拥有一辆五十铃GIGA卡车,随着公司扩大业务规模,新添购的卡车将用于运载铁板给全国各地的客户。 

马来西亚五十铃和SV Prestige 日前在蒲种举办的GIGA卡车区域移交仪式上,将卡车移交给Xinsteel 。出席嘉宾包括Xinsteel、马来西亚五十铃和SV Prestige 的高管。在移交仪式上, Xinsteel私人有限公司董事 Chester Kua Swee Leong说:“我们会尽快安排全新的GIGA卡车投入服务。自疫情过渡至地方流行病阶段后,加上经济活动全面放宽以来,钢铁行业便蓬勃发展。” 

Chester说:“在这之前,我们已于2020年向SV Prestige购买一辆GIGA GXZ360卡车。我们非常满意这辆卡车的表现。钢铁公司所运输的货物大多数非常沉重,因此,我们需要真正坚固耐用、超强以及不会随时抛锚的重型卡车。我们很高兴得知最新款的GIGA卡车引擎输出更大的马力,提供更安全的功能,以及更卓越的座舱设计、人体工学和操作性,再加上五十铃优异和及时的售后市场服务,GIGA卡车无疑是满足我们需求的不二选择。” 


五十铃 GIGA EXZ460于一个月前面市。这款新一代牵引车系列能提供更大的马力和性能,车身更高,也更有效率,它能满足重型物流需求及苛刻操作。这款崭新的牵引车搭载符合欧三标准(Euro 3)的15.6升6WG1引擎,能产生相等于460马力的拉力。 



马来西亚五十铃私人有限公司首席执行员冈添俊介(Shunsuke Okazoe)说:“GIGA卡车于1994年面世,而新一代五十铃GIGA卡车系列是这个车款首次进行完整车型变化,因此,它是一个非常重要的车款。全新卡车系列是我们专为应对当前重型物流行业挑战而设计,我们知道企业不断想方设法寻求更高效率的运营方式,以保持成本效益。我们相信,崭新五十铃 GIGA卡车将改善Xinsteel私人有限公司的业务效率和生产力。请放心,我们的团队一定会竭尽所能协助客户提高净利。”

全新福田AUMARK S 城市穿梭机BJ1065四轮轻型卡车系列: 城市配送领域的完美方案

马来西亚福田卡车(Foton Trucks)独家经销商Angka-Tan Motor私人有限公司(简称“Angka-Tan Motor”),今日推介全新的福田Aumark S 城市穿梭机BJ1065四轮轻卡,以迎合国内市场对于物流运送的需求。Angka-Tan Motor私人有限公司也是Warisan TC控股以及陈唱集团(Tan Chong Group)旗下的企业。

以飞翔与羽翼为主题,福田Aumark S 城市穿梭机四轮轻卡强调速度、灵活以及自由,这些特质都突显在整体驾驶体验上。城市穿梭机四轮轻卡的车身轻盈且具有弹性,帮助车主提升生产力以及运作效率。

Warisan TC控股首席执行员陈庆民(Tan Keng Meng)表示:“通胀率持续攀升,油价高涨,我们预期商业用户对于高效能、高产量以及可长时间运作的卡车需求将增加。全新的福田Aumark S 城市穿梭机BJ1065四轮轻卡系列正好符合这些条件,并可帮助他们轻松达成业务目标。” Warisan TC控股是Angka-Tan Motor的母公司,以及陈唱集团成员公司。

福田Aumark S 城市穿梭机BJ1065四轮轻卡系列有两种选择,分别为VDJD4以及VDJD6,车辆轴距分别为2,800厘米以及3,360厘米。

与早前在2020年12月推介的Aumark S轻型超级卡车一样,福田Aumark S 城市穿梭机BJ1065四轮轻卡系列是以公司的“超凡”哲学平台打造。这个哲学代表着福田卡车的五大要素——安全性、实用性、强大力量、高效率以及可靠度。Aumark S城市穿梭机轻卡为全球超级卡车创新联盟的合作成果之一,集结世界顶尖科技企业包括康明斯(Cummins)、采埃孚(ZF Friedrichshafen)、威博科(WABCO)、博世(Bosch)以及爱思帝(Exedy),集思打造的超群产品。

Aumark S城市穿梭机轻卡采用康明斯最新的 ISF 2.8公升 Euro-3涡轮增压引擎,搭配采埃孚5速手动变速箱。卡车可在3,200转速(rpm)下,输出129马力(96kW),以及在1,600至2,700转速下,提供310Nm扭力。


城市穿梭机轻卡车总重量(GVW)约为5.6公吨,是四轮轻卡类组的佼佼者,适合在城市与城际之间穿行,其承载量大大提高客户的 运输效能。


安全方面,Aumark S城市穿梭机轻卡的底盘升级设计遵守欧洲安全标准,并通过各类测试,符合欧洲经济委员会(ECE)的R29项全球监管标准。卡车也配有防制动系统(ABS),并且也有电子制动力分配装置(EBD)以及辅助刹车,在紧急状况时,为驾驶者提供强效且安全的刹车效能。

Angka-Tan Motor高级总经理黄杰星(Danny Ng)说:“安全与可靠性为首要考量,所有福田卡车均遵守严格生产标准,履行福田所强调的“超凡”承诺。为确保Aumark S卡车系列在智能控制、安全性能、节能省油、顺畅驾驶等方面的能力与能耐,Aumark S卡车系列在不同路况、气候和海拔条件下接受了160万公里的路面测试。”



中国北汽福田汽车东南亚大区总经理王晓宁(Eric Wang)说:“有鉴于此,商用车辆的低碳与零碳的技术发展刻不容缓,借此可以降低汽油使用量以及碳排放量。”


马来西亚的福田商用车辆,均可享有陈唱集团服务网络提供的Foton Total Care保障。顾客在购置商用车辆后大可放心,陈唱集团的服务网络遍布全国,顾客可在任何一家服务中心进行维护,同时,福田原装卡车零件也供应充足,确保卡车安全与延长服务期限。

除此之外,车主也可选择TC Trust售后服务方案,这项售后服务方案为您的业务需要量身打造适合的方案,优化您的拥车总成本,为您提供无烦恼的维护管理。

另外,Foton Total Care也提供司机驾驶训练,加强司机的驾驶技术,以更省油的方式驾驶,借此提升效能以及降低营运成本。除此之外,也有24小时的Res-Q支援服务以及一站式维修与保险服务,为顾客提供全天候的售后服务。

Aumark S 城市穿梭机BJ1065VDJD4 (2800mm) 四轮轻卡于马来西亚半岛的市场建议零售价(MSRP)为RM93,900, BJ1065VDJD6(3360mm)建议零售价为RM95,900。在东马,BJ1065VDJD4 (2800mm)的市场建议零售价为RM100,900, BJ1065VDJD6(3360mm)建议零售价为RM102,900。Aumark S 城市穿梭机四轮轻卡保修期为5年或20万公里哩数,视何者为先。 


Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd在砂拉越诗巫举办盛大实体晚宴,以向忠诚的壳牌Rimula顾客致谢。 

2022年壳牌Rimula晚宴(Shell Rimula Gala Dinner)盛情款待了超过370名分销商和顾客,旨在谢谢他们热情和坚定的支持,使得壳牌Rimula成为第一名大马重型柴油引擎机油(HDDEO)品牌。 

回应晚宴越战越勇“Kembali Berjuang”的主题,壳牌润滑油(Shell Lubricants)大马及新加坡总经理阮锦耀满怀信心地表示,虽然经营环境艰困,但壳牌Rimula会变得更强。 



阮锦耀说:“壳牌Rimula目前在大马的重型柴油引擎机油产品,例如全合成Shell Rimula R6 LM及合成技术R5 LE,都是专为更长的换油里程丶更好的燃油经济性而设计。2021年8月推出的全新Shell Rimula R4 Plus合成技术引擎机油,也获得了市场的热烈响应,并助加倍了壳牌优质润滑油的营业额5。” 


壳牌Rimula超过20年的顾客Swee Quarry Sdn Bhd 执行董事,拿督斯里卓庆忠太平局绅表示,该品牌产品满足了他的业务需求。 


Landasan Kembar Sdn Bhd营运经理Chew Yee Chu指出,壳牌是全球最大润滑油生产商之一和在大马拥有131年历史的经营纪录,说明消费者能彻底放心地使用例如壳牌Rimula等产品。 



新福顺集团(简称新福顺)通过其子公司Benua Haulage私人有限公司(Benua Haulage)与Scania建立永续合作关系,推行现代化以迎接物流新时代。此合作关系涵盖完善的运输解决方案,其中包含Scania新世代卡车、Scania Credit资融服务、Scania维修和保养合约(IPR&M)和Scania车队管理控制配套的监测服务。新福顺也可通过著名的Scania Ecolution工作方式运作这些车辆,以奠定本身的‘A Good Company ’地位。在此合作关系下,双方也订立另一项协议以保障新福顺已投入运作的现有Scania车队的维修将获得原装Scania零件供应。此外,双方也举行一项谅解备忘录签订仪式,为现有三十三辆卡车订单再加订另三十辆新世代卡车。此外,Scania东南亚区董事经理Heba El Tarifi也在IPR&M、Ecolution和零件服务的签约仪式上将首批交付的卡车钥匙移交给新福顺总经理/董事Shawn Yew Ee Sheng。在场见证仪式者有新福顺董事Tony Yew Poh Aik和Scania管理层。

Heba说道: “我欲在此恭贺新福顺走在前沿,推动迈向永续发展运输系统。他们注重安全、运转时间和优质服务,显示他们是名副其实的现代化公司,真正顶级的品牌。采纳Scania全方位解决方案方式将继续帮助他们的业务和客户争取更大盈利和永续发展。”

新福顺订购的三十三辆新世代卡车包含二十一辆G410A6x2NZ型号、四辆G460A6x2NZ型号和八辆G410A6x2NZ型号(具备CG17车厢)卡车。所有新世代卡车均具备标准Advanced Driver Assistance System(简称ADAS),其特点有Anti-Lock Brake System(简称ABS)、Electronic Braking System (简称EBS)以及Retarder。新世代卡车采用ADAS,配合适当而且获批准的定期保养将可减少车祸和伤亡,减少交通阻塞以及意外造成的道路基础建设维修。

所有签订IPR&M(八辆)以及Inclusive Maintenance(四辆)合约的新世代卡车都将获得Scania的主动式保养程序,防止发生耗时又昂贵的故障,充分提高运转时间,同时削减新福顺的营运成本。

根据这些卡车的Scania金融服务协议,Scania Credit Malaysia提供灵活性的资融解决方案让新福顺得以在新世代卡车的使用寿命周期间预测成本。

为响应Scania为实现削减碳足迹承诺所制定的科学为基础碳减量目标(Science Based Target initiative,简称SBTi),新福顺签订了Scania Ecolution合作协议,透过R&M配套中的车队管理系统Control 10来进行监测和改善Ecolution驾驶员的表现,以提升燃油节省和保护环境,从而逐渐有序地减少新福顺的碳足迹。

新福顺的新世代卡车全都预设默认节能模式(Economy mode)以确保它享有最佳燃油节省和减少二氧化碳排放,以响应科学为基础的碳减量目标(SBTi)。

新福顺从九十年代时期的第一辆载货卡车在马来西亚半岛投入营运开始,发展成目前的庞大集团。2000年创建的Benua Haulage专注于货运市场。新福顺凭它在货车和运输物流领域的多年优势和专长,加上不断地吸取经验、改善和创新以迎合客户的变迁需要,让它得以为客户的供应链创制和提供完善的解决方案。新福顺的核心服务包括货物和油罐车运输、集装箱运输、仓储和配送、报关代理、货运代理、工程、租赁和支援。

Tony Yew说道:“我们了解客户的业务依赖最优秀和无缝连接的可靠物流供应链,因此我们致力满足此需求。我们细心研究客户的独特物流需要,迅速采取行动以化解任何干扰,好让他们能够专心发展核心商业活动。我们与Scania的永续合作关系将帮助我们提升服务。“ 


MAN Truck & Bus (M) Sdn. Bhd.(大马MAN)日前在雪兰莪双文丹装配厂举行的交车仪式上,将首批全新MAN卡车世代(New MAN Truck Generation)移交给了第一批客户群。

每一辆都配备了符合欧V标准低碳排引擎的7辆全新MAN卡车世代,移交给了6家运输公司 - 其中2家是MAN卡车的新客户。

大马MAN董事经理Andrew O’Brooks在交车仪式上感谢客户加入MAN的永续发展之旅。


以槟城为基地的李庭山集团(Lee Ting San Group)旗下LTS Distribution (M) Sdn Bhd是大马规模最大的运输公司之一,该公司接收了将用作短程运输工具的360马力全新MAN TGS 4x2。

森亿栈贸易有限公司(Sim Aik Chan Trading Sdn Bhd)接收了1辆540马力全新MAN TGS 6x4。这辆车队中的新成员配备了坚固耐用的底盘,及动力强大又经济实惠的引擎,它最能胜任全马运输建筑材料的重型任务。

全球综合物流解决方案供应商Sea Hawk Global Lines Sdn Bhd接收了两辆卡车,也就是在日前2022年大马商用车展(MCVE)上大放异彩的抢眼旗舰卡车540马力全新MAN TGS 6x4,以及440马力MAN TGS 6x2。

凭藉高燃油效率“绿色”引擎,这两辆全新MAN卡车将协助Sea Hawk将运输业务拓展至强制要求必须符合环境丶社会与治理(ESG)规定的石油与天然气业。
MAN的新客户,专营货柜车业务的Timur Permai Haulage Sdn Bhd接收了首选卡车440马力全新MAN TGS 6x2,它是符合该公司货柜车业务要求的完美解决方案。

MAN的另一家新客户是Rani Transport Sdn Bhd,该公司接收了1辆符合国际危险物品道路运输协定(ADR)规格的360马力全新MAN TGS 4x2,它适合用来运送至全马难以抵达的水处理厂的化学品。

Globonus Sdn Bhd也选用符合ADR规格的全新MAN卡车世代。这家全方位物流解决方案供应商购入1辆440马力全新MAN TGS 6x2,它符合作为跨国石油与天然气公司主要供应商的要求与规定。 

草原快车最新车队拓展计划选用MAN Coach底盘

领先业界长途巴士公司草原快车(Super Nice Express Sdn Bhd)不断增长的长巴车队接收了最新巴士,也就是德国商用车制造商MAN Truck & Bus (M) Sdn Bhd(大马MAN)以公认MAN RR5三轴巴士底盘打造的双层巴士。 

MAN RR5巴士底盘在大马MAN座落于雪兰莪双文丹的厂房组装,它搭载了起步反应出色丶最佳化行车与降低油耗量的流畅换档性能,以及驾驶与乘坐舒适感一流的知慧和安静的MAN TipMatic®变速箱。 

草原快车的全新MAN巴士也采用了由槟城巴士车体制造商TACT Coach Seat & Manufacturing Sdn Bhd制造的全新和创新TX9车体设计,以及长途乘坐下仍优化血液循环及减少身体疼痛的大马首创零重力座椅。 

草原快车也在今天于槟城峇都加湾举行的交车仪式上,签署了增购10辆大马MANMAN RR5巴士底盘协议。 

大马MAN董事经理Andrew O’Brooks表示,MAN RR5巴士底盘完全符合草原快车对优越灵活性丶多功能与可靠丶尖端安全系统,以及经济实惠与高效动力传动系统的要求。 

他说:“我们有理想和现成产品,低和零排放都有,以协助像草原快车这样的巴士公司在不牺牲获利和发展成可持续经营运输公司下踏上永续发展之旅。从2023年开始,随著我们继续带动大马大众运输业转向可持续行车,大马MAN所提供的所有MAN巴士和底盘都将标配低碳排欧V引擎,并开始接单零排放纯电动MAN eBus底盘。” 

草原快车主席周国荣指出,继日前收购了新加坡 - 马六甲 - 吉隆坡 - 怡保路线热门豪华长巴服务公司Zenwan Express后,草原快车如今经营约40辆MAN巴士。



继成为大马首家标配欧V引擎卡车制造商后,MAN Truck &amp; Bus (M) Sdn. Bhd.(大马MAN)再显领袖风范,积极主动接触主管单位以解决制造商和运输业者面对的问题。<br>
<br>大马MAN董事经理Andrew O’Brooks感谢交通部邀集所有主管陆路运输的相关机构,前来参加这场史无前例的对话会。<br>
<br>“交通部将不断推出更好的政策以推动运输业发展,特别是缩短与加速各类准证的申请和审核流程。所以,我们欣然接受这场大马MAN首创结合了交通部和各机构的邀访和对话。大家都获益良多。”&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>