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24 October 2024

Unipac Celebrates 50th Anniversary

October marked the joyous occasion of “Unipac” celebrating its 50th anniversary. Invited guests, business partners and staff gathered on the 20th October to celebrate this joyous occasion. Having watched a number of videos prepared by members of staff, an emotional David Yap, Chief Executive Officer,  Unipac Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd took the opportunity to thank those who made this success story a reality.

“I have been waiting for this moment for many years. This is a celebration of a collective journey of everyone that has been part of this journey,” Yap said. He first thanked his wife, who has been, according to him, his guiding light, even in the darkest of times. “I would also like to thank my business partners, who are present here tonight, as are my sons.” The passion of these people for the Unipac brand has been Yap’s inspiration to keep going, even when the road got tough to navigate.

Reflection on the past five decades, Yap said that he is still amazed by how they have managed to get to the point where they have arrived now. “I remember, we would be writing letters. We did not have smart-phones or other electronic devices.” It was the passion and striving for excellence that has propelled the business from selling hardware goods to the brand it is today, offering systems design and automation solutions. Always keeping a focus on the need of the client, the biggest reward has always been the satisfaction of delivering a project, finishing a job in the early hours of the day and to be able to provide clients with thought-out solutions that address their specific need.

Highlighting the contributions of members of staff, Yap traced back the source of the success of the business to the diverse group of talented people that have been and are working for Unipac. Honouring members of staff, long-service awards were presented to those that have been with the company of many years, some of which have clocked in for as many as 40 years. “Our single most valuable asset is not the equipment, or the order book. It is our people, the Unipacans, which are our greatest treasure.”

Looking ahead, Yap is looking ahead with excitement. Taking his retirement, he is now handing over the baton to the new generation of leaders. “Bringing new ideas and visions, I am sure that these young people will further grow the business to heights we have never imagined being possible.” Feeling a deep sense of pride and confidence, this bittersweet moment marks a new milestone in the company’s history, Yap said.