Trucker Club
The focus of this CSR initiative are the key people of the industry - the drivers.
Skillful drivers are highly sought after as their driving behaviour has a huge impact on the bottom line of transport companies. Also, they have to master the latest vehicle technology, the most sophisticated fleet management systems, road safety, and with market liberalization, understanding local rules and languages may be a crucial asset for truck drivers as well as for the employers, when carrying goods from country to country.
Therefore, Asian Trucker took the initiative to start a club for the Drivers, which will serve as a platform to help elevate the drivers' profession.
This club will be going the extra mile by providing valuable training to members to enhance skills and to keep up with the latest technical developments. Companies may register their drivers as incentive or to outsource their training to Asian Trucker. Besides training, the Asian Trucker Drivers Club will also host memer events to meet and celebrate their profession. Several businesses have already pledged their support and we are planning to launch the Asian Trucker Drivers Club in other markets as well. Register now or contact us for more information.

Kami di “Asian Trucker” amat meminati dan teruja tentang segala perkara mengenai trak dan industri trak. Setelah mengendalikan dan menghadiri beberapa majlis pelancaran dan acara berkaitan trak, kami mendapati pemandu trak kurang diberi keutamaan dan kepentingan oleh syarikat-syarikat trak dan pihak yang terlibat dengan trak industri.
Oleh yang demikian, “Asian Trucker” mengambil inisiatif menubuhkan kelab untuk para pemandu trak, sebagai satu platform membantu meningkatkan profesion mereka dengan menyediakan kemahiran dan latihan yang diperlukan.

- Meningkatkan profesion and imej para pemandu trak Malaysia
- Menjadi satu platform yang meningkatkan taraf para pemandu trak melalui latihan yang sesuai, seminar dan bengkel peningkatan kemahiran dan pembangunan peribadi
- Menyediakan rujukan bagi pemandu trak untuk meningkatkan kerja dan pembangunan diri mereka
- Berkhidmat sebagai satu platform untuk para pemandu trak dan majikan mereka berinteraksi, mendapatkan pemandu dan memberi tawaran pekerjaan yang sesuai
- Elevate Malaysian Truck Drivers’ profession and image
- Act as a platform to upgrade Truck Drivers via suitable training, skills improvement and personal development seminars and workshops
- Provide reference for Truck Drivers to improve their work and personal development
- Serve as a platform for drivers and employers to communicate, seek drivers or employment
The club will be providing a wide range of training courses for its members:
- Language skills
- Defensive driving
- Fuel efficient driving
- Presentation skills
- Mechanical training
Others will be added as and if we have a demand or a partner that can provide high class training programs that suit our members' needs. We are careful in selecting our trainers and will only work with recognised and accredited institutes or individual trainers.