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Industry Profile: Infinity Logistics and Transport Sdn Bhd

In tandem with modernity, Infinity continues to grow from strength to strength to take the high ground in the market.
Precious time was given to Asian Trucker to personally meet Mr. K.Y.Chan, Managing Director of Infinity Logistics and Transport Sdn Bhd to get an insight into the planning for Infinity's future.

Infinity is best known as the company that provides innovative logistics solutions. The company had a very humble beginning when it was set up in 2003. With only four people, they began as a non-asset logistic company. The company registered revenues of RM 158 million or US$50 million in 2012. Today, Infinity's paid up capital is RM10 million with a working capital of RM50 million. They employ 450 people in 11 different cities in 5 countries- Port Klang, Penang, Johor Bahru and Padang Besar in Malaysia; Bangkok and Hatyai in Thailand; Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan in Indonesia; Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and Singapore.

Road Transportation
Under the road transportation division, Infinity provides both container haulage and conventional trucking. To date, Infinity owns and operates 80 Prime Movers and 315 units of Trailers, ranging from 20’ & 40’ skeleton trailers, 20’ tippers, tip hitch, side loader and Self Discharging Units (SDU) for the container haulage division.

They also operate 40 conventional trucks ranging from 40’ platform trailers and 40’ Articulate Trailers, 40’ Wing Roof, 40’ Net Cap, 40’ Box Trailers, 5 tonne, 3 tonne and 1 tonne trucks. The division is also equipped with a mobile rescue team with a pick-up truck. To ensure cargo integrity and safety of all, the prime movers and trailers are regularly maintained and kept in tip top condition. For safety enhancement, two platform trailers are equipped with ABS.

Infinity Cares and EASY Programme
"Infinity Cares" is a CSR project aimed at providing a free community truck for the purpose of providing an avenue of logistics solutions to non-profit organizations activities and events, charity homes, and disaster relief efforts.
Infinity has developed its very own Internship Programme called the “EASY Programme”. EASY is an acronym for Explore, Assimilate, Strive, and You and has been specially designed for students from selected Universities to join Infinity for practical training during their semester breaks or practical training. The programme is created with the aim that when one tries to fit new experience into what they already know, they can accomplish the deep and meaningful learning that internships are known for.

Mr K.Y.CHAN, Managing Director of Infinity Logistics and Transport Sdn Bhd, is very concern about his drivers. He will always ensure the safety of the driver. “Drivers are the major channel for us to connect our businesses between the clients and us. Therefore, we need to change the perception towards the drivers. Being a truck driver is a professional career that deserves respect and positive image,” he explained.

Introduction to Road Safety and Eco Driving Training for the Malaysian Logistics and Transportation Sector

To entice local transporters to join this initiative, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organising a seminar. The info-session will take place

Monday 28th April, 11:00am - 12:30
remiere Hotel, Studio 3/4 Lobby Floor
Bandar Bukit Tinggi1/KS6 JalanLangat, 41200 Klang

Key elements of the developmental project:
Training of Local trainers for defensive driving and economical driving according to ‘German Standards’.

Start: 1 January 2014
Duration: 2 years

Coordination and implementation
by TÜV RheinlandMalaysia Sdn Bhd and Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC)
Supported by Deutsche GesellschaftfuerinternationaleZusammenarbeit(GIZ)

For further Information, please contact
Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC)
Ms. Katja Schulze, Project Manager / CSR-Competence Center
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +60-3-9235 1821+60-3-9235 1821 (DL)

Location : Premiere Hotel, Studio 3/4 Lobby Floor, Bandar Bukit Tinggi1/KS6 JalanLangat, 41200 Klang

Asian Trucker Drivers Club supports this initiative as one of several implementation partners.

Issue 2014

Asian Trucker Malaysia Issue
Feature Story:
Big Data from Head to Trailer

Issue 2014

Asian Trucker Malaysia Issue
Feature Story:
Big Data from Head to Trailer

Issue 2014

Asian Trucker Malaysia Issue
Feature Story:
Big Data from Head to Trailer

Iveco at the 2014 NGV Show in Brussels

Iveco participated in the “NGV Europe International Show and Workshops”; the exhibition was held at the Brussels Kart Expo (Belgium) from 7th to 10th July 2014. Now in its fifth year, the event was organised by NGVA Europe (European Natural and Bio Gas Vehicles Association), whose objective is to develop a sustainable, positive market throughout Europe for these types of vehicles.

CNH Industrial, of which Iveco is a brand, was in attendance with a booth and chose to be the event’s “Gold Sponsor and Exclusive Transport Provider”, confirming its commitment to sustainable mobility both by helping to spread the culture of methane and presenting environmentally friendly solutions to those attending the show. CNH Industrial also promoted the various brands already offered on international markets.

By participating at the main event for alternative fuel systems, Iveco confirmed its leadership in the natural-gas sector with a complete range of light, medium, and heavy vehicles, as well as buses, with more than 12,000 vehicles already delivered, including 2,000 alone in 2013.

The New Daily was on exhibition at the booth, the third generation of the light commercial vehicle launched by Iveco, with the CNG version on display for those who visited the show.
The New Daily, recently launched by Iveco with a new, completely redesigned look, made its debut at the exhibition. The New Daily CNG has the same strongpoints as the Diesel version in terms of reliability, comfort, and useful payload. The ladder frame chassis makes the New Daily not just the preferred vehicle for outfitters, providing them with robustness and the ability to support heavy loads, but much more: as a result of the way in which the cylinders are mounted on the Natural Power model, there is no reduction in load space or to the flexibility offered to body builders..
Also on display at the booth was a vehicle in Iveco's heavy range: the Stralis Natural Power Euro VI powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), presented for the first time to the public with a new tank that conforms to the revised Regulation UNECE No.110, in force since 10th June 2014, which for the first time allows LNG vehicles to be rated. This is an important new step for the sector, one that indicates a strong expansion of the market for LNG-powered heavy vehicles for medium-length routes.

The Stralis LNG Euro VI has a range of more than 750 kilometres. The tractor AT440S33T/P LNG, in standard configuration, is equipped with four 70-litre CNG tanks and an LNG cryogenic tank of 510 litres. Natural gas is stored in the liquid state at -130°C and at 10 bar pressure, which is converted into its gaseous state before being injected into the engine.
There are numerous advantages with this vehicle, both in terms of environmental sustainability and customer profitability. In terms of emissions, natural-gas engines are much more environmentally friendly than the Diesel Euro VI counterpart. Natural gas is an absolutely clean fuel thanks to its emissions of particulate (-95% in comparison to Diesel) and NOx (-35%) that have been slashed to a bare minimum. Furthermore, these vehicles make it possible to reduce vehicle emissions of CO2 from 10% up to 100% if using bio-methane. Finally, a quieter vehicle is achieved with an average decrease of 5 Decibel in comparison to Diesel, making it perfect for refuse collection and night time deliveries.

From the standpoint of economic sustainability, the vehicle generates savings on the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of up to 10%. Natural gas is also markedly less expensive than diesel, since it enables fuel costs, the most important issue of the TCO, to be reduced by up to 40%.

CNH Industrial and natural-gas policies
Also, in connection with the event, Michele Ziosi, recently named Director of Institutional Relations for CNH Industrial EMEA, gave the keynote address at the workshop “Successful Policies”.
The meeting discussed the need for coherent policies for developing natural gas, as well as an integrated approach among the various actors involved with it. The meeting was also the occasion for an exchange of ideas between CNH Industrial, industry stakeholders involved in gas for transportation and in the automotive sector, and European institutions.

Jenama Trak China yang pertama membuka pusat 3S

Sinotruk adalah jenama trak China yang pertama memasuki pasaran Malaysia, mengukuhkan lagi kedudukannya di pasaran dengan pembukaan sebuah bengkel baru di Kuantan yang akan berfungsi sebagai pusat 3S sepenuhnya.

Pasukan Mohd Zaid Abdullah di Bakticon Engineering Sdn Bhd telah bekerja keras untuk pembinaan bengkel tersebut bagi memenuhi permintaan perkhidmatan kenderaan Sinotruk yang semakin berkembang. Bengkel yang dibina adalah untuk menampung jenama dari China itu serta menawarkan 16 ruang perkhidmatan, 25 mekanik dan lima perantis. Bakticon juga bersedia dengan trak penyelamat dan pasukan tayar bagi membantu kenderaan yang mengalami kerosakan. Dengan pembukaan bengkel ini, Sinotruk mencipta satu langkah kehadapan dan merupakan salah satu daripada startegi memasarkan jenama dari China ini di pasaran.

Khidmat Berintegrasi
“Potensi Sinotruk telah dikenal pasti dari dulu lagi. Kami yakin bahawa ini adalah satu jenama yang akan diterima dan yang bakal bergerak pantas serta profesional di pasaran. Ia adalah diantara sebab-sebab mengapa kami mengambil keputusan untuk berunding dengan mereka dan untuk mengembangkan operasi tersendiri dengan bantuan mereka. “ kata Zain Abdullah. Setelah bekerja untuk syarikat-syarikat seperti Esso, Petronas dan BP Chemical, Zain mengambil keputusan untuk memulakan perniagaan sendiri. "Saya melihat ahli keluarga saya yang semuanya menjalankan perniagaan mereka sendiri dan itulah yang membuatkan saya mahu mempunyai perniagaan sendiri" katanya. Pada tahun 2000, beliau telah memulakan satu perniagaan kecil dengan hanya memiliki dua buah trak dan kini perniagaan beliau telah beroperasi dengan lebih daripada 50 trak.

Mekanik juga adalah seperti pemandu yang sukar untuk dicari dan ini memberikan idea kepada beliau. Kini, beliau membina kumpulan yang berbakat melalui kolej automotif tersendiri. Institusi yang telah disahkan oleh kerajaan ini merangkumi kira-kira 100 pelajar yang mempelajari selok-belok kenderaan perdagangan.

Prospek Positif
Zain Abdullah pernah menjadi pemandu trak selama dua tahun dan oleh sebab itu, beliau tahu apakah cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pemandu dan operator. Hubungan baik yang telah dibina dalam tempoh 12 bulan yang lepas membuatkan Zain lebih yakin untuk mengambil langkah yang seterusnya. Baginya, menaik taraf dengan serta-merta akan memantapkan 3S Dealer. Trak paparan boleh ditempah tidak lama lagi dan latihan akan dimulakan dalam tempoh masa yang sesuai. Langkah ini akan menjadikan lokasinya sebagai Peniaga 3S yang pertama untuk Sinotruk dilihat dimana-mana jenama China. Menurut Sinotruk, empat 3S dealer bakal ditubuhkan pada tahun ini juga, yang meliputi kawasan-kawasan utama di Malaysia.