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Volvo Trucks Playing It Safe

“The traffic environment is built on trust,” he told Asian Trucker when met in Gothenburg, Sweden during the Fuelwatch Challenge 2017 Grand Final in September. “You trust everybody in the traffic environment to play their role. When you meet a car on the road, you don’t know who is driving it but you trust that driver to stay on their side of the road and do what he or she is supposed to be doing.”

 “The same goes for pedestrians, they trust a car that comes at a crossroad to obey the stop sign so they can cross,” he said.

 Almqvist said Volvo Trucks’ vision is bigger than that of the car’s segment as it will not only protect the driver and passengers in the event of an accident, but to not have accidents with the trucks period. For this, the total traffic environment is to be looked at including motorcyclists, car drivers, pedestrians and objects.

 It is very important however, he added, that the vision starts off with the absolute basics which is the human factor, because people these days tend to depend wholly on technology.

 “Technology is helpful but what will happen to us as human beings if we get more and more technology to support us?” Almqvist asked. He gave an example of a driver who is reversing, would mainly rely on the sensor to beep if the vehicle gets too close to something, without even looking back. “We are actually seeing more accidents because of this,” he said.

 One of the extreme challenges, he said, is to have a system that functions 100 percent which will never fail, as lives are at stake.

 “If we compare technology with human beings, we are pretty fantastic,” Almqvist said. “I can look at you and still see the surrounding parameter. Just to get a camera to do the same thing is challenging today. I might need two cameras.”

In Europe there is a legal requirement that vehicles have collateral warning systems so drivers can slow down when there is another vehicle ahead. “As the driver of a large vehicle I couldn’t care about the car in front of me because I’m trying to look 10 cars down the road. Today’s technique puts all of my decisions for the car in front of me, so you have to understand how extremely efficient it has to be. And this is something that professional drivers are already doing which is why we still very much believe in the driver. An attentive, well-trained driver is extremely important.”

Volvo trucks is now looking at a multitude of things in self-driving vehicles, but for now in environments where they know exactly what is happening. They are doing self-driving in mines because they know the environment there but to do so in normal traffic is an enormous challenge with changing environments.

“The computer needs to understand what it sees, which part of it is the traffic environment? Is it a bridge, a road sign, a car? If it is moving it is probably a vehicle or something that should be expected in the traffic environment. If it is not moving, it could either be a road sign or a stopped car, the radar will not detect it because the signal is going to be the same. And I don’t want to just slam on the brakes because of a road sign,” Almqvist said.

“So that’s when we put in the camera to ‘go out,’ look and tell the sensors what it sees. If the camera says it’s a car, then that’s where we stop. So, these are some of the challenges but we’ll finally sort it out, it will take a while.”

Almqvist argued that the process must be taken one step at a time and that nobody will win if everybody goes out and tries to be the first with a system which is at 100 percent. “That’ll hurt us more than anything, so when we release a system, it will be to our knowledge, 100 percent okay. We play it safe.”

We will see a continuous development, even in the smallest of steps. “There won’t suddenly be a whole new thing. We are fine-tuning all the time,” Almqvist said.

He stressed that the traffic environment is something everybody is a part of so each needs to do their part. “People need to understand that technique alone is not going to save you. It will do its job but we need to do our share too, everybody, that’s the big message today because we tend to go very much into technique and let it take care of everything,” he said.

Volvo Trucks’ Fuelwatch Challenge 2017 Creates History With First Female Truck Driver To Compete In Malaysian Finals!

Junaidah puts in around eight to nine hours a day driving her Volvo truck to ensure that goods are delivered to customers on time. However, this doting mother of three children stresses that being extra careful while driving on the road is her utmost priority in the job as she has a family to go back to at the end of the day, and believes that her skills and focus in the preliminary round of the Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge in Prai had secured her a spot in the final.

Junaidah is also popular among her customers who are pleased not only with her professionalism but also feel proud to see a female truck driver appearing at their doorsteps. 

Commenting on her truck driving job, Junaidah Bte Ibrahim, “I am the only female truck driver in my company and I couldn’t be more proud of my job despite the fact that truck driving is known to be a male-dominated profession. The support that I get from my husband, who is also my colleague, and the confidence my employer and customers have in me are indeed very encouraging. I’m glad to have found my niche and proven that gender stereotype can definitely be broken.”

Apart from being a female truck driver, which is in itself an already extremely rare case in Malaysia as unlike in some Western countries where there is a higher ratio of female drivers, Junaidah also towers above her male peers in terms of license qualification. She has both rigid and container truck driving licenses, which is not the norm and is uncommon even amongst the general population of male truck drivers.

Junaidah will be competing with seven other male finalists in the final round of Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge 2017 in Shah Alam on 26th August, where a day prior to that, all eight of them will have to undergo a training session by Volvo Trucks’ drivers’ trainer to further enhance their skills.

The other seven male finalists are Ruslan Ab Ghani from Perwakilan Cekap Sdn Bhd (Port Klang), Jamal B. Embong from Prifaria Sdn Bhd (Kuantan), Ahmad Sulaiman from Konsortium PD Sdn Bhd (Port Klang), Mohd Sufian bin Sahari from Multimodal Freight Sdn Bhd (Port Klang), Kaspul Anwar bin Abdul Karim from Prifaria Sdn Bhd (Prai), Tan Eng Hin from Lima Bintang Logistics Sdn Bhd (Prai) and Firdaus bin Salim from Swift Logistics Sdn Bhd (Johor Bahru).

The winning champion will have the opportunity to represent Malaysia and participate in the Drivers Fuel Challenge – World Final in Sweden from 18th to 22nd September 2017, that judges and more importantly, teaches skill, concentration, knowledge, and discipline.
“I’m absolutely pleased to be the first female truck driver in Malaysia to take part in the final round of Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge. The Challenge is a great platform for us, regardless of gender, to prove that we can perform at the highest level if we apply the right skills. And of course, it will be such a great achievement for all women out there if I can win the trophy, fingers crossed!”, said Junaidah.

The competition, which first started in Europe as a concept for achieving maximum efficiency, is moduled based on local market demands and industry landscape, where for Malaysia it will mainly concentrate on three key areas; Driver Development, Fuel Maintenance and Dynafleet or Telematics.

Since its commencement in Malaysia in 2010, the Volvo Fuelwatch Challenge has so far mentored more than 6,000 truck drivers from all over the country on how to enhance their driving competency and behaviour to be more fuel efficient and safer drivers on the roads. The number of truck drivers who participated in this year’s competition saw an increase of 19% compared to last year.

Volvo Trucks’ Fuelwatch Challenge returns as Malaysia’s long-running truck drivers’ competition

The competition, which first started in Europe as a concept for achieving maximum efficiency, is moduled based on local market demands and industry landscape, where for Malaysia it will mainly concentrate on three key areas; Driver Development, Fuel Maintenance and Dynafleet or Telematics.

Mats Nilsson, Managing Director, Volvo Malaysia explained, “The Volvo Trucks Fuelwatch Challenge is more than just a truck driving competition. It’s not about speed, but all about efficiency and safety. Our key objective with Fuelwatch Challenge is to create better understanding and awareness on fuel efficiency, safety, maintenance, vehicle optimisation and driver behaviour.”

“Going beyond that, Fuelwatch Challenge also condones proper management and maintenance of the truck prior to usage. Not only will it contribute significantly to fuel efficiency on the road, it would also reduce the risk of a breakdown and more importantly, the safety of the trucker and those around it,” said Nilsson.

This year’s competition has kicked-off with preliminary rounds already held in Johor Bahru on 25th July, and Kuantan and Kuching on 27 July.  The other five locations include Ipoh on 1st August, Bintulu on 2nd August, Prai on 3rd August, Port Klang on 5th August and Kota Kinabalu on 6th August. The competition is open to all drivers of Volvo trucks.

“Fuelwatch Challenge has been a highly successful event for us, given the very positive response from our customers. In 2015, we had 1,040 partcipants and in 2016, there were 1,410.

“Based on the number of participants who have already attended the recent preliminary rounds, there has been an average of 40% increase from last year. We have been seeing yearly increase in the number of drivers coming to take part in Fuelwatch Challenge as we have always strived to make the competition exciting. In addition, the competition also gives the drivers a certain sense of professional prestige and pride,” added Nilsson.

Volvo Trucks Malaysia will be making this year’s competition more interesting with the addition of three things. Firstly, Volvo Trucks will be including in the competition, an oral communication assessment for truck drivers as a value-add and to increase their confidence.

“Historically, truck driving is not seen as a career people would normally go for but truck drivers do play a huge role in moving the nation’s economy. They are the unsung heroes, which is why we are treating the job as a highly significant skill and career to have. We aim to help truck drivers increase their level of pride and sophistication towards their job by building good social skills through effective communication. At the same time, elevating their overall professional status,” commented Nilsson.

Secondly, it will be incorporating a live demonstration of the Driver Coaching feature using Volvo Trucks’ proprietary telematics system, Dynafleet. Here, the driver will be coached in real time from inside the truck’s cab using the secondary screen, supported by Volvo Trucks’ in-house driver trainer who will explain to the truck driver information on the printed reports and how to improve.

Thirdly, Volvo Trucks is planning to use its recently launched and highly powerful flagship heavy-duty long-haul truck, Volvo FH, for the final round of the competition.

“Many of our customers are now talking about future regional business opportunities which the Belt and Road Initiative will present and how to get ready for it. With the Volvo FH that is built for long-haul regional distribution and with superior torque and power, applying it in this year’s Fuelwatch Challenge would be exciting, and offer great experience to our customers and their drivers who take part,” shared Nilsson.

“At the end of the day, Fuelwatch Challenge helps our customers in the logistics and haulage industry reduce wastage and truck operating costs, because a competent and knowledgeable truck driver makes all the difference when it comes to fuel efficiency, safety and maintaining truck uptime,” concluded Nilsson.

All participants in the preliminary rounds will need to undergo a briefing and a written test to prepare and qualify them for the final stage of the competition, where only seven will qualify for the final round to be held in Shah Alam on 25th and 26th August 2017. Prior to that, these seven finalists will have to undergo a training session before the actual day of the final competition. The local champion will represent Malaysia at the global championship in Sweden from 18th to 22nd September 2017.

What is the Future of Transportation?

Shifting Views
After giving a history of Scania, which dates to 1891 in Sweden, Mark looked to the future and the trends that are changing the nature of the industry. Shifts in emphasis in his own company are also seen in many others. “Scania is shifting from a product view of the world to a service view of value creation. Of course, Scania will always make trucks, but we are doing far more than that in providing services to our customers that will help them become more efficient and more profitable.”

An Interconnected World
‘Connected’, ‘sustainability’ and ‘efficient’ were words that all three speakers repeated many times. Mark believes the transportation system of the future will be totally interconnected and sustainable. “The road will be connected to the truck, to the traffic lights, to the freight and to the home office,” he stated. “This is not a vision of a distant future, this is happening now. The changes that are happening are coming at you like a freight train.” “Every Scania vehicle is already totally connected,” said Mr Cameron who sits as Chairman of the Commercial Vehicles Committee for the Singapore European Chamber of Commerce.  “Scania has 300 000 totally connected vehicles in the world.”

Domestic Delivery
Arun Mambully, Director of Domestic Operations at DHL eCommerce Asia Pacific, was the next to take the stage.  Arun, who joined DHL in 2012, is responsible for developing the domestic delivery footprint of DHL eCommerce across Asia Pacific. He oversees the implementation of new market entries, the launch of new product features, and the operational systems that support domestic delivery business in Asia Pacific.  The domestic delivery business was the main focus of his speech. DHL eCommerce is part of the global division Post – eCommerce – Parcel (PeP), formerly known as the DHL Global Mail division.  Mambully talked about ‘Last Mile Delivery’ and the growth in this segment with Millenniums buying a lot on-line. The challenges are many as Asia Pacific is the world’s biggest and fastest growing B2C e-commerce region.
Optimized Network
Arun sees the future as being ‘An optimized network where the underlying assets are utilized across modes of transport in a highly ‘urbanized’ environment.’ “The city would be divided into zones and each zone contains elastic fleets comprised of vans, bikes, scooters, etc and alternative modes of transportation such as AVs, drones and walkers.”

Total Fleet Management
Shell’s Kaushik Burman, Country Business Manager, SG, was the final speaker of the day. Mr Burman heads the retail commercial fleet business for Singapore. The commercial fleet business offers B2B road transportation customers with a comprehensive “Total fleet management” solution, embed with technology enabled fleet card, telematics solution and driver training. Shell’s fleet management solution has helped customers focus on improving fleet efficiency thereby leading to higher performance, and overall lower total costs of ownership.

More with Less
“How can we help our customers do more with less? It is all about efficiency,” Kaushik explained. “We are developing new fuels that are cleaner, that are not only good for the environment but for the efficiency of the engine. We are developing products to meet the current and future needs of the fleet. With rapid changes happening the customers’ needs are changing too. “We help them with total cost of ownership, with speed to market, in improving driver behavior. We have demonstrated to fleet owners that by improving driver behavior they can realize a tangible improvement in fuel savings.” Across a large fleet this can be a very significant saving, such as the simple practice of ensuring that all trucks have the correct tire pressure.”

Fleet Managers are Critical
The role of the Fleet Manager is critical in deciphering and delivering the best value to customers. “We can help with driver training,” Mr Burman continued. “Telematics are driving the efficiency of the fleet.” Keeping track of where vehicles are and how they are being driven can contribute to a much more efficient operation.” Burman asked the audience how many Visa credit card transactions took place in 2016. After a few inaccurate guesses, he said that it was 25 billion. “At 44 000 Shell retail sites, our customers completed four billion transactions in 2016.”

Shell Card Benefits
The Shell Fuel Card provides the tools to reduce your operating costs anywhere in the world and you can save money with Shell’s innovative fuels, lubricants and fleet management technologies. Fleet Managers can easily manage their account with the Shell online portal, which provides fuel spend information, centralised reporting and simplified e-invoicing.  They can protect their business with real-time fraud detection and round-the-clock card blocking. The Shell Card allows you to establish clear driver limits for fill-up frequency and size. And Fleet Managers can receive personalised, actionable email alerts regarding unusual or suspicious activity on their account. You can reduce risk for your drivers with Shell’s comprehensive onsite security measures, including CCTV.  

With three very interesting speakers talking on a subject of interest to them, many people in attendance felt that the event that included a buffet lunch, was well worth their time.

What is Truck Trial?

It is a type of motorsport that involves driving trucks in terrifyingly difficult terrain. What is considered difficult here is beyond a layman’s imagination; cavernous mud holes, harsh and unforgiving rocks, and gradients of more than 45 degrees are just some of the obstacles encountered by trucks in these tournaments.

This makes it a sort of Olympics for trucks as it is the attestation to the durability of a truck’s chassis and tyres, the manoeuvrability and ultimately the driving and navigation skills of the truck drivers. The sport was born in the1980s in Europe. In a Truck Trial, the trucks must be all-wheel drive as it is almost impossible to master the terrains without the strength and agility that an all-wheel can provide.

The drivers have to be able to manoeuvre the trucks through gates, which are set by the organizers, with great skill and dexterity. These gates are, by no means, easy to reach however. In this sense, man and machine are both put to the test of their limitations. However, by man, we do not only mean the driver alone.

The man is complemented by his team. His partner, the navigator throughout the drive, will be his traffic control tower which will help him ascertain the best directions to follow through and impart valuable information on the truck’s situation that will get the truck out of literal mudholes or climb an overbearing slope. Other than that, the backup team is always at the helm of fixing damages which need to be immediately repaired on site for the whole operation to continue.

In a Truck Trial, each course’s section will be accorded to its own time limit. Usually, apt drivers are able to stay under this time limit without any troubles. The evaluation for the trucks takes place for different classes respectively. As mentioned, the gates set by the organizers are poles which are planted firmly into the terrains. The ordeal of having to pass a gate in a specific set of time is what definitively decides the skills of each drivers and their partners. The drivers will know the direction to drive their trucks by seeing the poles which are white in colour.

In certain sections, participants will be able to choose their own order of the gates so they will be able to drive through without making even a slightest gaffe in their manoeuvres. In the end, the main aspect that will be taken into account is whether the truck will be able to triumph each obstacle and pass through the entry gates, and conclude the section by passing through the exit gates within the time limits.

However, it doesn’t sound as easy as we make it out to be. Penalties exist for driving direction changes, for touching the gate poles or breaking them, omission of any goal or exceeding the time limit. The team in their class with the fewest penalty points at the end of the competition will be the winner of the race, collecting championship points.

Win or lose, at the end of the trial, all will be muddy. But mud is the least of the drivers’ concern as there lay ahead of them challenges of slanted slopes and uncanny rocky terrains. It can never be emphasized enough how challenging truck trials are for drivers and vehicles alike, sailing on top of what can be fittingly described as uncertain grounds. Truck Trials are conclusively the ultimate adumbration to the strength of the driver and truck combination.

What is Truck Trial?

The drivers have to be able to manoeuvre the trucks through gates, which are set by the organizers, with great skill and dexterity. These gates are, by no means, easy to reach however. In this sense, man and machine are both put to the test of their limitations. However, by man, we do not only mean the driver alone.

The man is complemented by his team. His partner, the navigator throughout the drive, will be his traffic control tower which will help him ascertain the best directions to follow through and impart valuable information on the truck’s situation that will get the truck out of literal mudholes or climb an overbearing slope. Other than that, the backup team is always at the helm of fixing damages which need to be immediately repaired on site for the whole operation to continue.

In a Truck Trial, each course’s section will be accorded to its own time limit. Usually, apt drivers are able to stay under this time limit without any troubles. The evaluation for the trucks takes place for different classes respectively.  As mentioned, the gates set by the organizers are poles which are planted firmly into the terrains. The ordeal of having to pass a gate in a specific set of time is what definitively decides the skills of each drivers and their partners. The drivers will know the direction to drive their trucks by seeing the poles which are white in colour.

In certain sections, participants will be able to choose their own order of the gates so they will be able to drive through without making even a slightest gaffe in their manoeuvres. In the end, the main aspect that will be taken into account is whether the truck will be able to triumph each obstacle and pass through the entry gates, and conclude the section by passing through the exit gates within the time limits.

However, it doesn’t sound as easy as we make it out to be. Penalties exist for driving direction changes, for touching the gate poles or breaking them, omission of any goal or exceeding the time limit. The team in their class with the fewest penalty points at the end of the competition will be the winner of the race, collecting championship points.

Win or lose, at the end of the trial, all will be muddy. But mud is the least of the drivers’ concern as there lay ahead of them challenges of slanted slopes and uncanny rocky terrains. It can never be emphasized enough how challenging truck trials are for drivers and vehicles alike, sailing on top of what can be fittingly described as uncertain grounds. Truck Trials are conclusively the ultimate adumbration to the strength of the driver and truck combination.

ZF Celebrates its 15th Anniversary in Malaysia

Speaking at the opening ceremony of ZFSSM’s15th Anniversary celebration event, Siew Chee Kok, General Manager, ZFSSM and ZF Head of Global Service Asia Pacific shared his insights about the company’s future direction and the goals it sets for commercial vehicle industry.

Siew emphasized, ZFSSM is committed being part of the supportive forces and enabler for Malaysian transport network as to achieve the above vision via its innovative products and technologies.

Siew said: “Urban centres face demand for commercial vehicles that are reliable, safe and most importantly, cost effective and productive. Sustainable urbanisation will be a challenge as automotive industry requires vehicles to have low operating costs given the high intensity of vehicle usage without compromising safety and speed. ZFSSM intends to be the enabler for the Malaysian transport network by lending our expertise to modernise urban transport backed by ZF Group’s innovative products and technologies.”

He added, as part of ZFSSM’s efforts to support sustainable urbanisation, the company has worked with Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn, to have 300 MRT single deck city feeder buses equipped with ZF EcoLife, a high performance 6-speed automatic transmission for buses.

Also present at the event were Mohd Syahrul Yusuf, Managing Director of ZFSSM, Low Chen Lon, ZF Head of Service of ASEAN and ZF Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.

Primarily addressing the requirements of city buses and coaches, ZF EcoLife makes driving conditions easier for line service buses and coach drivers via improved and enhanced features. These key features include the automatic transmission of the product is available in seven versions with input torques range from 1,000 to 2,300 newton meters, thus enabling an efficient and powerful drive in buses with up to 32 tons gross vehicle weight.

Apart from that, enhanced with the intelligent drive programme by TopoDyn Life control software, ZF EcoLife is capable of adapting to driving conditions and adjusting its gearshift strategy to the driving routes during travel effortlessly. As such, it also enables improved fuel efficiency for the drivers.

With its integrated primary retarder in the vehicle's brake management system, ZF EcoLife supports high braking power even at low speeds. Thanks to improved feature, this newly developed product can help to ultimately extending the part’s lifecycle as it is able to reduce the strain on the vehicle's service brakes efficiently. Thus, in addition to reduced down time and longer service life, these city buses will also have reduced carbon emissions through extending the lifespan of the vehicle’s parts.

Siew elaborated: “These 300 single deck buses are currently servicing MRT Phase One of the Sungai Buloh station to Semantan station, and also the upcoming Phase Two line, which will service the Semantan station to Kajang station by July 2017. To date, there are more than 900 city buses in Malaysia equipped with ZF EcoLife transmissions.
“ZFSSM is also currently collaborating with Rapid Penang to fit its city buses with ZF EcoLife for preventive overhaul. Preventive overhaul allows significant extension to the vehicles service life without compromising safety or cost effeciency.”

In the past 15 years, the company has been has been linking high performance products and technological know-how to the Malaysian automotive industry. Likewise, as for the aftermarket, from supplying the products like SACHS shock absorbers to Proton and Perodua; to providing rail shock absorbers for Rapid KL, ZF delivers safe products and services of highest quality that represent efficient dynamics and costs effectiveness.

Siew continued: “As the second largest aftermarket organization in the automotive suppliers segment in the world, we are a service-oriented partner that includes spare parts business, technical information and training, remanufacturing, repair and fleet services for owners. Our core strength lies in our high quality and competent products, while ensuring minimal downtimes and service orientation for customers in the Original Equipment (OE) aftermarket and workshop business,”

On the other hand, as ZF is paving the future for fleet management in Malaysia, Siew added that through its newly innovated connectivity solutions, namely the OPENMATICS and DeTAGtive, it will encourage a more cohesive service network for the commercial vehicle industry.

He explained, with the OPENMATICS solution, ZF offers fleet management, asset tracking, vehicle diagnosis, engineering as well as entertainment and multimedia applications.
OPENMATICS is an innovative telematics solution that allows fleet management, for commercial vehicles that include both buses and trucks to be transparent. With installation of this technology, it helps to avoid driving without loads, taking into account driving and rest periods in route planning and monitoring fuel consumption.

Added to that, with its OPENMATICS Asset Tracking solution, ZF enables tracking and monitoring of valuable assets allowing for efficient and modern logistics as well as manufacturing optimisation.

Under this Openmatics system, DeTAGtive logistics is a Bluetooth Smart Technology solution specifically developed for transport and logistics companies. Through the components that included TAGs, a stationary TAG Finder, a mobile app and a web application, fleet owners can easily track and monitor the transport of goods globally with this system in the most simplest way.

Meanwhile, Low who was present at the event also emphsized, through taking into account driving and rest periods in its route planning and monitoring fuel consumption, with the installation OPENMATICS, added with the enhanced DeTAGtive logitics, the new technology makes fleet management as transparent as possible for the bus and fleet operators.

“As part of the efforts to promote our OPENMATICS solution, we are currently working with The Kowloon Motor Bus Company Limited, one of the biggest bus operators in Hong Kong for the installation of this system on the buses.  Todate, up to 4200 buses owned by KMB are 100% installed with OPENMATICS.

“With the installation of this system, it enables the bus operators to track and monitor the condition of fleets and assets efficiently and eventually prevent any risky incidents like theft cases and so on. For example, if the system detects one of the buses own by the company is still running at an abnormal hour at midnight or at some unusual routes during night time, then the company can make an immediate response to incidents like that, thus avoid any suspicious theft case.”

Founded in 1915, ZF embarks its journey into the automotive and commercial vehicle world as a German transmission and gear manufacturer. With the founding history over a century, ZF has developed itself into a global leader for driveline and chassis technology that is capable of offering diversified range of automotive components to the transport industry.

Today, the company has a global workforce of around 137,000 with approximately 230 locations in some 40 countries. In 2016, ZF achieved sales of €35.2 billion. ZF annually invests about six percent of its sales in research & development – ensuring continued success through design. In Asia Pacific’s market, ZF recorded € 7.7 billion sales in 2016, 22% increase from 2015. 

ชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่เป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่ทำให้ขบวนรถเคลื่อนที่ต่อไปได้ ดีเซล เทคนิค หรือที่เรียกสั้นๆ ว่า DT

แรกเริ่มคุณกิมชวนเทำงานให้กับตัวแทนจำหน่ายแห่งหนึ่งเป็นเวลา 6 ปี โดยทำหน้าที่ดูแลในส่วนของรถบรรทุกจากญี่ปุ่นเป็นหลัก ต่อมาเขาได้มีโอกาสสัมผัสกับรถบรรทุกแบรนด์ยุโรป และได้เริ่มเรียนรู้จากตรงนั้น เมื่อเห็นโอกาส เขาจึงออกจากงานหลังจากไม่เห็นด้วยกับทิศทางการทำงานของเจ้านาย

ในยุคเริ่มต้นของการทำธุรกิจปัญหาหนึ่งที่เขาประสบ คือ การขาดเงินทุน จึงไปกู้เงินมาลงทุน และเพื่อที่จะคืนเงินที่หยิบยืมมาให้ได้ตามสัญญาคุณกิมชวนจึงมุ่งมั่นทำงานอย่างหนัก ด้วยแนวคิดที่ว่าต้องรักษาสัญญาที่ให้ไว้ ส่งผลให้ธุรกิจเริ่มเบ่งบาน ปัจจัยหนึ่งที่มีส่วนเอื้อต่อความสำเร็จของเขาก็คือ ความไว้ใจที่ได้รับจากตัวแทนจำหน่ายในสิงคโปร์ ซึ่งเขาก็ได้สร้างชื่อเสียงที่ดีไว้ที่นั่นด้วยเช่นกัน

ดีเซล เทคนิค ขายชิ้นส่วนให้กับนาคบำรุง ตั้งแต่ปี 2550 โดยเริ่มจากชิ้นส่วนง่ายๆ อย่างเช่น หัวฉีด ซึ่งจากจุดนั้นรายการสินค้าที่ขายก็ขยายตัวอย่างต่อเนื่อง

ความเชื่อมั่นครั้งใหญ่มาจากตลาด เมื่อดีเซล เทคนิค เปิดสำนักงานใหญ่ประจำภูมิภาคในสิงคโปร์ “ตั้งแต่นั้นมา ธุรกิจที่ทำกับดีเซล เทคนิค ก็เริ่มขยับ ยอดขายเพิ่มขึ้น 4 เท่า และการสนับสนุนต่างๆ ที่ได้รับก็ส่งผลดีต่อกิจการ” คุณกิมชวนกล่าวว่าการตั้งอยู่ใกล้กับคลังสินค้าที่สิงคโปร์ ทำให้สามารถส่งของได้เร็ว ภายใน 3 วัน นาคบำรุงก็ได้รับชิ้นส่วนที่สั่งแล้วทำให้ลูกค้าใหม่หลั่งไหลเข้ามา ซึ่งถึงตอนนี้ที่เป็นลูกค้าประจำก็ 20 กว่ารายแล้ว

ข้อดีของดีเซล เทคนิค
ถามว่าทำไมถึงเลือกดีเซล เทคนิค คุณกิมชวนอธิบายให้ฟังว่า “ดีเซล เทคนิค มีสินค้าที่หลากหลาย และการสนับสนุนที่เราได้รับก็ทำให้เรามีลูกค้าใหม่เพิ่มขึ้น คำว่า “บริการที่ดี” ในความหมายของเรา คือ การส่งของที่รวดเร็ว มีการสนับสนุนด้านราคาที่ดีเมื่อเราต้องโต้ตอบกับแรงของตลาดและอันดับสุดท้ายคือ การรับรู้แบรนด์ยุโรปของที่นี่ดีมาก” จากการทำงานกับบริษัทเยอรมนี นาคบำรุงยินดีที่ได้ทราบว่าช่องทางการจัดจำหน่ายจะไม่เปลี่ยนแปลงแบบไร้ทิศทาง และจะขึ้นอยู่กับความไว้ใจและความเชื่อมั่น “อีกสิ่งหนึ่งที่สำคัญกับเราคือ การบริหารการเคลมสินค้า แน่นอนว่าต้องมีชิ้นส่วนที่เสียบ้าง ซึ่งการแก้ไขปัญหาเป็นเรื่องที่สำคัญ” ในความเห็นของเขา ในธุรกิจเราไม่สามารถที่จะรับผลตอบแทนจากงานแต่เพียงอย่างเดียว แต่เราต้องรับผิดชอบด้วย ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องที่นาคบำรุงยึดถือจนขึ้นชื่อในด้านสินค้าและบริการที่มีคุณภาพ สิ่งหนึ่งที่เขาเน้นก็คือ การเปลี่ยนแปลงกระบวนทัศน์ที่ได้เกิดขึ้นแล้ว เมื่อ 30 ปีที่แล้ว มีแต่คำว่า “ชนะ” หมายความว่า ตัวแทนจำหน่ายไม่ต้องยอมแลกอะไรเลย แต่สิ่งต่างๆ ได้เปลี่ยนแปลงไปแล้ว ในวันนี้ตัวแทนจำหน่ายต้องรับผิดชอบ และร่วมแก้ไขปัญหากับเจ้าของสินค้า แทนที่จะจัดการกับปัญหาแบบเลี่ยงๆ เพราะทั้งหมดนี้เป็นวงจร กล่าวคือ ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่ดีจะสนับสนุนตัวแทนจำหน่าย และลูกค้าที่พอใจก็จะกลับมาหาตัวแทนที่จำหน่ายเพื่อซื้อสินค้าคุณภาพอีก ในปัจจุบันนี้ การแสดงความคิดเห็นกลับไปยังผู้ผลิตหรือดีเซล เทคนิค อย่างต่อเนื่อง จึงเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของความเป็นหุ้นส่วนที่ช่วยผลักดันให้ธุรกิจดีขึ้น

ย้อนกลับไปในอดีต แค่มีชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่หัวฉีดของ DT อย่างเดียวในรายการสินค้าก็ดีพอแล้ว แต่ในช่วงหลายปีที่ผ่านมา ความต้องการของลูกค้าที่มีต่อนาคบำรุงได้เปลี่ยนแปลงไป ในวันนี้ลูกค้าต้องการชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่ครบทั้งหมด อย่างไรก็ตาม สำหรับนาคบำรุงนั้น รายการที่มีความต้องการมาก คือ ชิ้นส่วนช่วงล่าง ซึ่งก็แน่นอนที่นาคบำรุง สามารถขายผลิตภัณฑ์ทุกตัวของดีเซล เทคนิค ได้อยู่แล้วเมื่อลูกค้าต้องการ นาคบำรุงมีการเติบโตอย่างต่อเนื่อง จนวันนี้มีพนักงาน 14 คน และสมาชิกครอบครัว 4 คนที่มีส่วนร่วมในกิจการ

ด้วยมุ่งเน้นที่ยอดขายมากกว่ากำไรสุทธิ กลยุทธ์ที่ใช้จึงเป็นการให้บริการแก่ลูกค้าที่มานาคบำรุงมากกว่าที่จะไปตามลูกค้า ลูกค้าต่างจังหวัดปกติจะไปรับของที่ร้านค้าที่เป็นช่องทางจำหน่าย วิธีนี้ทำให้บริษัทมีจำพนักงานน้อยกว่าที่คิดได้ ซึ่งบทสรุป คือ “นี่เป็นเกมที่เน้นปริมาณ”

ผู้ที่เดินตามรอยเท้าผู้ก่อตั้งคือลูกชาย คุณชาญกิจ เตชธนกิจเลิศ หลังจากจบการศึกษาจากออสเตรเลีย ก็กลับมายังกรุงเทพฯ เพื่อมาช่วยกิจการ วันนี้คุณชาญกิจได้อยู่กับนาคบำรุงมาเป็นเวลา 10 ปีแล้ว “สิ่งที่ผมชอบคือการตอบคำถามเกี่ยวกับความต้องการของลูกค้า การแก้ปัญหาอาจฟังดูเหมือนความท้าทาย แต่มันเป็นงานที่คุ้มค่าเพราะเป็นการสร้างความสัมพันธ์กับลูกค้า”

เมื่อมองไปข้างหน้า นาคบำรุงกำลังวางแผนเปิดคลังสินค้าอีกแห่งหนึ่งเพื่อเสริมประสิทธิภาพในการสนับสนุนลูกค้าต่อไป โดยคุณชาญกิจเป็นผู้ดูแลงานนี้อย่างใกล้ชิด “เป้าหมายของเราคือ ทำให้แบรนด์ดีเซล เทคนิค เป็นที่รู้จักมากขึ้น เพื่อเพิ่มการรับรู้ในแบรนด์ ถึงแม้ว่าจะเป็นความทะเยอทะยานมากก็ตาม แต่เราก็อยากเห็นกล่องสีน้ำเงินขาวทั่วทุกแห่ง” เขากล่าวด้วยรอยยิ้ม ชื่อ “นาคบำรุง” มีความหมายที่ดีต่อคนจีน เพราะหมายถึง โชคดี

คุณกิมชวนปิดท้ายด้วยคำพูดที่ว่า “ในตอนที่เริ่มธุรกิจนั้น การมีชื่อที่จดจำง่ายนั้นช่วยได้ เมื่อรวมกับสินค้าที่ดีบริการที่มีคุณภาพ ลูกค้าจะนึกถึงชื่อ “นาคบำรุง” ในครั้งต่อไปที่จะซื้อชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่รถบรรทุก”

ดีเซล เทคนิค กรุ๊ป เป็นผู้ผล‘ตช‘้นส่วนอะไหล่รถยนต์เพื่อการพาณิชย์ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดรายหนึ่งในตลาดหลังการขาย และมีเครือข่ายบร‘ษัทย่อยและตัวแทนจ”หน่ายรับอนุญ“ตทั่วโลก เพื่อให้สามารถส่งมอบชิ้นส่วนอะไหล่ในพื้นที่และสนับสนุนลูกค้าแต่ละรายได้ในกว่า 150 ประเทศ โดยตัวแทนจ”หน่ายและลูกค้าให้คุณค่าแก่ดีเซล เทคนิค ว่าเป็นผู้ให้บร‘ก“รแบบครบวงจรที่ไว้วางใจได้

ดีเซล เทคนิค กรุ๊ป นอกจากมีสำนักงานใหญ่ในประเทศเยอรมนีแล้ว ยังมีบริษัทย่อยในประเทศฝรั่งเศส เนเธอร์แลนด์ สเปน สหราชอาณาจักร ดูไบ และสิงคโปร์ และจ้างพนักงานมากกว่า 650 คนจาก 30 ประเทศทั่วโลก


您是否对警队内司机的实际工作情况感到好奇?近期,本杂志作者邹诗敏有幸访问来自武吉阿曼总部的警队司机高级曹长哈尼夫(SarjanMejar Hanif)。在约1一个小时的访谈内容中,哈尼夫与本社分享了充当一名警队司机的感悟及启发。























随着大马五十铃(Isuzu)推出采用最新共轨柴油喷射引擎系统(Commonrail Engine)的ELF轻型卡车,这款无论是在卡车驱动力性能及节能功效更佳的卡车,预计将能让其稳守大马轻型卡车市场榜首的宝座。






大马五十铃私人有限公司首席执行长松岗贤次(Kenji Matsuoka)在有关推介礼上致词时指出,五十铃对旗下卡车所作出的多项改良的做法,与该公对大马客户的承诺是一致的,即为了兑现其让该领域内业者及客户拥有绝佳卡车体验的承诺。


除了使用有节能功效的共轨柴油喷射引擎,该全新推出2017年版Isuzu ELF卡车系列还采用了真空车胎。









随着柴油领域在汽车行业的迅速发展,许多在修读汽车工程的学生经常都面临难以理解最新引擎科技的复杂性的状况。这现象主要是由于该所学校缺乏设施, 有限的资源, 以及缺少适当实践经验去探索与了解有关系统。

获取这方面的深入了解,学生们需要配备附有最新柴油科技的车辆。 这么以来,他们才能更充分的理解各类的引擎系统,同时加强这些技术在如何提供节省燃料,耐久和可靠性方面的掌握。对现今引擎方式的深度了解与理解将至使毕业生具备更多这方面的知识,也将能应对汽车行业售后市场的需求。

为了解决这问题,马来西亚五十铃有限公司(Isuzu Malaysia)近期向全国领先的汽车工程大学-DRB Hicom大学贡献了一辆五十铃ELF NPR 六轮卡车。该卡车配备了最新的共轨引擎 (Common Rail Engine), 作为汽车工程系文凭和学位课程学生的学术用途。

在卡车递交仪式上,马来西亚五十铃 (Isuzu Malaysia)首席运营长——津久井 幹雄向DRB-HICOM大学研究生院院长Abd Rahni bin Mat Piah教授博士展示象征性的模拟钥匙。津久井 幹雄认为这贡献将进一步提高学生在大学的学术经验。

津久井 幹雄 表示:“这项贡献将为学生提供更多了解五十铃最新引擎技术的机会,从而对汽车业售后市场产生长期的影响。”

五十铃ELF NPR六轮卡车配备5.2公升发动机,获ECU电子控制单元(Electronic Control Unit)支援的6速变速箱,还有5.125的最终传动比。


经商伙伴之间的可靠与互相信任是长久持续合作关系的重要元素,而这一点可以从不久前完成递交6辆崭新五十铃 Forward中型卡车至佑兴隆集团(吉隆坡)私人有限公司的仪式上充分表现。这些卡车推销经由一家位于北马的马来西亚五十铃授权经销商——北美企业有限公司。北美企业也是马来西亚4家获得五十铃授权MHD(中型和重型)卡车经销商的其中之一。

佑兴隆集团是新福顺集团的子公司, 主要从事大米生产和包装业务。这次递交的五十铃中型卡车将成为该公司旗下知名零售米制品品牌——太阳花(Sunflower)可靠且高效力的主要物流卡车。


新福顺及其子公司自2013年首次采购马来西亚五十铃旗下车款后,便一直与五十铃建立密不可疏的合作关系。2015年,集团采购了8辆五十铃ELF轻型卡车,作为支援新福顺业务,还有4辆予佑兴隆集团,另外也在2016年增设另一辆五十铃Forward FVR285中型卡车。

在交接仪式上,马来西亚五十铃执行董事 津久井 幹雄递交模拟钥匙于新福顺董事长尤寶益。 北美企业有限公司执行董事傅成辉和销售经理卓明洲也见证了该项仪式。


在卡车交接仪式上,马来西亚五十铃执行董事津久井 幹雄 也为新福顺集团对马来西亚五十铃公司与产品的信任表示感激。

“我们感到非常幸运,因为获得客户认同我们的卡车是理想的运输合作伙伴。因此,我们将不断努力,确保我们的产品和服务一直保持高度可靠性,以满足各种业务的需求。“ 津久井 幹雄补充说


今年517日,由大马卡车制造商东风商用车辆有限公司(DFCV)举办的第五届东风高尔夫球挑战赛将于莎阿南苏丹阿都阿兹高尔夫球俱乐部(SAASGCC) 正式展开。 


大马东风商用车辆有限公司业务发展经理林敬泽(Lim Kin Chze译音)表示,该项高尔夫球挑战赛是从2013年开始首度举办,旨在通过比赛活动来促进东风客户、商业伙伴等领域业者的合作交流。






大马富豪汽车董事经理马斯尼尔森Mats Nielsson指出,尽管在去年,本地重型货卡车市场一度因我国经济放缓及马币贬值问题下滑,惟富豪卡车业务却在这困难重重的经济环境中持续成长,表现不俗。




















大马蚬壳推介Shell Rimula Express车厂网络,助商用汽车车厂业主业务成长

大马蚬壳润滑油(Shell Lubricants Malaysia)正式推介全国性品牌商用汽车车厂Shell Rimula Express车厂网络。

特选商用汽车车厂业主成功加盟Shell Rimula Express网络後,将有机会与过去连续十年世界领先润滑油品牌蚬壳(Shell)合作。透过上述网络,车厂业主将获得大马壳牌润滑油的支援以带动业务成长。这包括强化市场份额及客户信心的独家品牌丶行销配套以及技术支援。 

大马及新加坡壳牌润滑油总经理黄启迅指出,Shell Rimula Express是个杰出的合作计划,有助于保护独立车厂的未来,进而使他们维持竞争力同时促进业务成长。


透过该Rimula Express车厂网络,大马壳牌润滑油得以有效的为终端客户提供全方位先进润滑油。这些产品专为保护商用汽车关键传动部件(引擎丶变速箱丶轮轴以及轴承)而生产。同时,在应用整个传动系统时,这些润滑油就会因为延长维修保养服务间隔丶防范抛锚丶以及极大化生产力而协助业主减低整体营运成本。

森美兰文兴车厂(Boon Hin Motor Workshop)业主潘文喜则表示,该公司是一直以来便是蚬壳品牌的忠实客户,这是因为该品牌产品的性能丶可靠性及价值都是被受被公认及好评的。



此外,这不只是润滑油产品全面,每一间Shell Rimula Express车厂都会有充分的技术知识及创意服务,以确保提升客户信赖度以及争取更多回头客。车厂业主和员工也有机会参加各种培训计划,以及享受专为奖励勤奋业主而设的独一无二激励机制。

截至目前,大马半岛已有超过40间车厂加盟Shell Rimula Express网络。大马蚬壳牌润滑油冀望到了今年底时丶网络将扩展至大马半岛超过100间的Shell Rimula Express车厂。

欲知Shell Rimula Express车厂计划进一步详情,欢迎联络最靠近您的蚬壳牌授权分销商。

大马马赛地Diamond FUSO竞赛送巨奖!

为回馈广大客户群于2016年的支持,大马马赛地商用车辆(Mercedes-Benz CV)再次于吉隆坡中环广场雅乐轩酒店特别举办Diamond FUSO竞赛,参与幸运抽奖竞赛者将有机会赢取一台买赛地C200汽车等豪车等终极大奖!

2013年以来,本届Diamond FUSO竞赛也是马赛地第四度举办的幸运抽奖大赛,即客户们每签购一辆新的马赛地FUSO卡车将可获得一个幸运号码及一次抽奖机会,以赢取丰厚奖品。


于本届竞赛中,赢得幸运抽奖首奖的民众将可得到一輛馬賽地C200轎車、一份飛往日本參觀FUSO Kawasaki裝配廠及研發中心的旅程,以及总值6000令吉的维修礼券。

本届竞赛大奖得主是来自I Aini Brilliance 企业有限公司的诺莱妮阿都哈里斯女士。在9個月前決定買下第一輛FUSO卡車的诺莱妮,是與丈夫一起經營這家運輸公司,这也是她首次购买FUSO卡车及参与有关抽奖活动。



今年1月,新家坡交通部与新加坡港务集团正式与两家世界著名商用车辆制造商,即丰田汽车与瑞典商用车制造商斯堪尼亚(Scania)签署合作备忘录,以共同开发一种自动驾驶卡车队列系统 (Truck Platooning)




















今年77日,南京依维柯(NAVECO),即依维柯及上海汽车集团(SAIC Motor)所合资业务,正式为其新打造的南京依维柯商用车制造基地桥林工厂展开盛大开幕。通过这新设立的生产设施,NAVECO 旨在为区域内商用车辆领域迈向智能化生产的里程碑创下另一个新指标。




这全新打造的NAVECO桥林制造厂共耗资18亿人民币(约11亿3900万令吉),拥有区域内最尖端的生产技术及设备。此外,新厂覆盖范围高达843000 平方尺,预计将有助于该公司大幅提升其生产力从每年4万部商用车辆大步提高至10万部。


在开幕典礼上,IVECO品牌全球总裁Pierre Lahutte指出,随着迈入2017年,依维柯开始了在中国发展如今已达40年,在这个IVECO公司和NAVECO合资公司发展过程中的重要里程碑节点上,两项面向未来的重大投资,将在全局战略中发挥核心作用。出席嘉宾包括依维柯亚太区域副主席Michele Lombardi南京依维柯汽车有限公司总经理杨军虎及上汽集团副总裁俞建伟等。

Pierre Lahutte透露,这两项项目包括,第一、先进的绿色制造工厂的建设,桥林基地按照全球CNH工厂WCM的高质量标准运行,是当前全球制造业对生产过程综合管理的最高标准之一。



此外,如同Pierre Lahutte所言,鉴于该新生产线是严谨遵守桥林基地按照全球CNH工厂WCM的高质量标准运行的。





全新一代依维柯New China Daily全球下线


下线仪式上,Pierre Lahutte表示,随着全新一代依维柯New China Daily的推出乃依维柯在中国发展的第二项重点投资计划之一。



Michele Lombardi则指出,自依维柯进入中国市场约40年以来,该公司一直以来皆致力对中国市场们迈向可续性运输的转型目标给予配合及支持。他说,如今随着该产品的推出,依维柯将为中国客户提供一款代结合了顶尖技术、讲求环境可续性及优质生产的代表作。


1986年,依维柯在进军中国市场后首度把旗下的Daily系列商用车辆引进该国,自此该系列车款便通过这些持有卓越性能的历代车款创下信誉。这包括在1996年在该国推出的Turbo Daily车款,即当时首度将以欧洲商用车辆设计概念的轻型卡车引进该国;以及在2004年推出的Power Daily等;这些车款都因其良好的品质及性能赢得了客户们的肯定及信赖,为该品牌在中国市场奠定了稳定的基础。

如今,全新推出的New China Daily更是象征了高达21亿人民币(约13亿令吉3000万投资计划的成品,即其是涵盖了其他所有曾在中国推出Daily系列产品的多项优点,同时符合欧洲商用车辆标准的新生代车款。









