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JPLogistics expands their prime movers fleet with Volvo Trucks

JPLogistics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Johor Port Berhad and member of MMC Group, was established in 1996 and has been using Volvo Trucks since year 2006. The company deals with a diverse range of facilities and expertise to meet the transportation and shipping requirements of commercial entities.

Volvo Trucks Malaysia recently delivered four units of Volvo FM440 trucks to JPLogistics. “We acquired the Volvo FM440 I 6x2 TRAS prime movers to facilitate the transportation of compressed natural gas (CNG) by Gas Malaysia Berhad and IEV Energy Sdn Bhd (GMIEV) on the east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia. With this we have a total of 69 units of Volvo Trucks in our fleet,” said Nazry bin Yahya, General Manager, Corporate Services, JPLogistics. “Other than the reliable and safe trucks, Volvo’s aftermarket services are highly commendable. They are efficient and provide quick response to our needs. With genuine parts, highly trained service staff and quick turn-around time, we know our trucking needs are well taken care off,” he further said. The purchase of the Volvo FM440 comes with driver training and 24-hour breakdown service.

The handover ceremony was held in Wisma JPLogistics, Pasir Gudang with the attendance of Chief Operating officer JPLogistics, En Md Zulnorrain Bin Buang @ MD Yassin and Vice President Sales & Logistics Volvo Truck Malaysia, Mr Jerome Wong.

“Introduced to the Malaysian market in 2014, the FM is part of Volvo Trucks’ premium heavy-duty range of commercial vehicles. Marketed as a versatile model that is suitable for a wide range of applications, the FM delivers world-class handling, unrivalled operating economy and unparalleled safety in multiple configurations to meet the demands of discerning businesses. We thank JPLogistics for their continued confidence in our trucks,” said Jerome Wong, Vice President, Sales & Logistics, Volvo Trucks Malaysia.

JPLogistics memperbesarkan armada ‘Prime Mover’ dengan Volvo Trucks

JPLogistics, sebuah anak syarikat milik Johor Port Berhad dan ahli Kumpulan MMC, ditubuhkan pada tahun 1996 dan telah menggunakan trak Volvo sejak tahun 2006. Syarikat tersebut berurusan dengan pelbagai jenis kemudahan dan kepakaran untuk memenuhi keperluan pengangkutan dan penghantaran badan-badan komersil.

“Kami memperolehi trak ‘prime mover’ Volvo FM440 I 6x2 TRAS untuk memudahkan pengangkutan gas asli termampat (CNG) oleh Gas Malaysia Berhad dan IEV Energy Sdn Bhd (GMIEV) di bahagian pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Dengan ini kami memiliki 69 unit trak Volvo di dalam armada kami,” kata Nazry bin Yahya, Pengurus Besar, Perkhidmatan Korporat, JPLogistics. “Selain kebolehpercayaan dan keselamatan trak, perkhidmatan pasca-jualan Volvo juga sangat bagus. Mereka efisyen dan menawarkan maklum balas yang pantas kepada keperluan kami. Dengan alat ganti tulen, tenaga kerja yang sangat terlatih dan tempoh masa kerja yang singkat, kami tahu keperluan trak-trak kami diurus dengan baik,” tambah beliau. Pembelian trak Volvo FM440 didatangkan dengan latihan pemandu dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan 24-jam.

Upacara penyerahan diadakan di Wisma JPLogistics, Pasir Gudang dan dihadiri oleh Ketua Pegawai Operasi JPLogistics, En Md Zulnorrain Bin Buang @ MD Yassin dan Timbalan Presiden Jualan & Logistik Volvo Trucks Malaysia, En Jerome Wong.

“Diperkenalkan kepada pasaran Malaysia pada 2014, model FM merupakan sebahagian dari rangkaian kenderaan komersil tugas berat premium Volvo Trucks. Dipasarkan sebagai sebuah model versatil yang sesuai untuk pelbagai jenis aplikasi, model FM menawarkan pemanduan bertaraf dunia, kos operasi yang tiada tandingan dan aspek keselamatan hebat dalam pelbagai konfigurasi untuk memenuhi keperluan perniagaan. Kami berterima kasih kepada JPLogistics untuk keyakinan berterusan mereka pada trak-trak kami,” kata Jerome Wong, Timbalan Presiden, Jualan & Logistik, Volvo Trucks Malaysia.

Kejohanan boling kali kedua!

Tempat adalah terhad, daftar nama anda dengan segera. Kejohanan boling anjuran Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker untuk kali kedua bakal diadakan pada tarikh 12 November 2016, bertempatkan di Ole Ole Shopping Centre Shah Alam. Pertandingan ini terbuka khas kepada ahli-ahli Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker yang telah berdaftar.

Tujuan utama pertandingan ini adalah untuk mengalakkan penglibatan ahli kelab di dalam aktiviti sihat dan positif selain mengiratkan lagi perhubungan ahli-ahli kelab dengan penganjur.
Trofi dan hadiah-hadiah yang menarik akan disediakan oleh pihak penganjur. Pertandingan ini terbuka kepada sepuluh kumpulan sahaja dan pendaftaran adalah percuma. Ahli- ahli kelab yang berminat untuk bertanding, boleh menghubungi Amirah, Secretariat Kelab di 0122766499 atau emailkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kejohanan Boling Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker

Berikutan respon menggalakkan yang kami terima tahun lepas di kejohanan boling pertama kami, Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker telah membuat keputusan untuk menganjur kejohanan kedua ini; walaupun di tempat berlainan, penyertaan kejohanan tersebut masih menggalakkan seperti tahun lepas. Pemandu trak sangat berminat dengan aktiviti sukan! Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker akan menjadi pentas utama bagi pemandu trak tempatan untuk berkumpul, melakukan aktiviti dan sambutan menyeronokkan bersama-sama, sambal mendapat latihan yang bermanfaat.

Ketika kejohanan, Asian Trucker juga mendaftarkan pemandu-pemandu untuk latihan pemanduan atas talian yang dibawakan oleh NITTSU Transport Services (M) Sdn Bhd. Dalam usaha meningkatkan keselamatan trafik, NITTSU telah memutuskan untuk menaja lessen-lesen kepada platform yang akan menilai dan melatih pemandu untuk menjadi lebih berjaga-jaga. Kejohanan telah diadakan di pusat beli-belah Ole-Ole, Shah Alam. Enam kumpulan yang setiapnya terdiri daripada tiga pemandu menunjukkan bakat mereka dalam perlawanan untuk memenangi trofi istimewa daripada Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker.

Selepas tiga pusingan, kumpulan-kumpulan dengan skor terendah disingkirkan dan para pemenang pula setelah itu diumumkan. Semua mereka menyambut hari yang seronok bersama-sama.

Tiga Tempat Teratas:

Ketiga: Afandy, Syahrizal, Noor Umor

Kedua: Zana Firdaus, Roslan, Shamsani

Pertama: Azizan, Faizal, Ana

Sebagai pemandu, anda tidak akan selalu dapat keluar dan meluangkan masa bersama sahabat handai, kerana anda selalunya akan berada di atas jalan menuju sesuatu tempat. Jadi, ini adalah peluang yang bagus untuk berkumpul dengan kawan-kawan dan mengambil tahu tentang kehidupan masing-masing,” kata Roslan, seorang pemandu trak dan ahli kelab kami.

“Aktiviti ini adalah terapi bagus setelah satu hari yang panjang di tempat kerja. Kami pemandu-pemandu trak memerlukan aktiviti seperti ini dari masa ke semasa dan saya amat seronok kerana telah menyertai Kelab Pemandu Asian Trucker,” kata Mohamad Noor, juga seorang pemandu trak. Kelab ini terbuka kepada sesiapa sahaja yang teringin menyumbang kepada industry ini, bukan sahaja para pemandu trak dan lori.

Majlis Penyerahan 15 Unit Trak Shacman Kepada Syarikat City Zone Express Sdn Bhd.

Syarikat City Zone Express Sdn Bhd telah membeli 15 unit trak Shacman daripada Syarikat YonMing Group. Majlis rasmi penyerahan trak ini telah diadakan di The Beer Factory, Butterworth pada 26hb Mei 2016. Majlis ini juga telah dihadiri oleh beberapa pemilik dan petugas daripada Syarikat-Syarikat logistik, rakan-rakan media dan wakil Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Import & Export Co., Ltd daripada China dan pegawai-pegawai pengurusan kanan daripada Yonming Group.

City Zone Express Sdn Bhd adalah anak syarikat Chasen Holdings Limited, Singapura yang tersenarai di “Singapore Stock Exchange”. Syarikat City Zone Express Sdn Bhd adalah sebuah syarikat pembekal logistik yang pakar dalam bidang pengangkutan, pengurusan kastam, penghantaran kargo antarabangsa serta perkhidmatan pengedaran dan pergudangan.

Dalam majlis penyerahan tersebut, Encik Raj, Pengurus Besar City Zone Express Sdn Bhd. telah melahirkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Syarikat Yonming Group di atas perkhidmatan terbaik yang telah diberikan terutama berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan selepas jualan. Syarikat kami juga telah ditawarkan keistimewaan dalam pakej penyelenggaraan trak, di mana pakej ini amat penting dalam pengurusan pengangkutan dan logistik bagi memastikan kami dapat memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan-pelanggan kami. Di samping itu, trak Shacman juga telah menunjukkan prestasi yang baik terutama dalam aspek penjimatan penggunaan bahan api. Justeru itu, saya begitu yakin dan penuh kepercayaan bahawa Yonming Group akan dapat membantu Syarikat Kami untuk berdaya saing di pasaran.

Saya, sebagai pengurus yang bertanggungjawab kepada prestasi City Zone Express Sdn Bhd. akan sentiasa bertindak kepada maklumat pasaran bagi mengatur perancangan-perancangan strategik untuk membolehkan syarikat kami bertahan dalam pasaran yang penuh cabaran ini. Justeru itu, kami memerlukan kelengkapan dan aset-aset yang baik di mana trak Shacman adalah di antara yang dapat memenuhi keperluan ini. Dengan kehadiran pihak Yonming bersama kami, saya percaya perancangan yang lebih baik dapat disusun.

Dalam ucapan balas, Encik Alex Kau, Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Yonming Group telah melahirkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Encik Raj yang sudi berkerjasama bagi merealisasikan satu peniagaan yang mantap untuk kedua-dua syarikat. Di bawah kepimpinan Encik Raj dengan wawasan peniagaan yang jauh, trak Shacman akan dapat memenuhi matlamat City Zone Express Sdn Bhd. Pihak kami akan sentiasa berada dan memberi keyakinan bahawa kami tidak akan menghampakan kepercayaan yang telah diberikan. Kami percaya produk kami, trak Shacman adalah pilihan yang tepat dalam mengharungi industri pengangkutan yang berbagai cabaran ini.

Malaysia International Logistics & Warehousing Technology Exhibition 2016

Logistics and warehousing is one of the key markets in Malaysia. Being a hub in the region, with easily accessible ports and superb infrastructure, the country is a major player in ASEAN. The LogisWare 2016 exhibition showcased the full spectrum of logistics and warehousing products, technology and solutions. It was also involving local and international participants to boost the industry into the next level.

The opening ceremony was officiated by Y.B. Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. The event was held in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) from 3 November to 5 November 2016.

It also aimed to bring industry stakeholders under one roof for business expansion, learning and networking in order to achieve a greater improvement in efficiency and cost-saving for overall industry.

Shaanxi Trucks Sdn Bhd (a member of YonMing Group) has participated in “LogisWare 2016 – Malaysia International Logistics & Warehousing Technology Exhibition,” as trucks play a vital role in providing logistics services. “During the expo, we had a good chance to meet up with existing and new customers as well as business partners. We are also proud to present a custom-made Shacman die-cast truck to Y.B. Datuk Seri. IR. Dr. Wee Ka Siong as a token of remembrance” a spokesperson of Shaanxi Trucks Sdn Bhd told us.

There were a number of interesting programmes scheduled for the three day including presentations, seminars, government procurement forums and small celebration between the exhibitors.

“This is a great platform for the industry and interation opportunity between market players from various field in logistics and warehousing sector in one place; save travel cost and benchmark existing and new suppliers under one roof,” said Y.B. Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong.
“Building to that idea, this exhibition will gather people to learn abou the market, obtain and upgrade knowledge and skills as chances to be refresh and review about industry’s challenges or issue through workshop and seminars,” he added.

MAN Demonstrates its Construction Focus at bauma 2016

MAN Truck & Bus is showcasing a broad range of exhibits and integrated solutions in order to demonstrate its expertise in the construction sector at bauma 2016 which is the world’s leading trade fair for experts who deal with construction and building-material machines, construction vehicles, equipment and mining machines. bauma is taking place in Munich from 11th – 17th April 2016.

“MAN has been producing all-wheel-drive vehicles for over 80 years and its competence in this segment and knowledge of the industry are unmatched,” said Franz Freiherr von Redwitz, Managing Director of MAN Truck & Bus Middle East. “Our knowledge and insights into regional customer requirements and our superior track record has helped MAN to be a preferred supplier for the regional construction industry over the years. bauma provides a great opportunity for us to showcase our innovative product range and technologies which will serve the needs of our customers in the future.”

MAN will present its latest construction solutions in light, medium and heavy range in hall B4, stand 225. The display on the stand will include a MAN TGS designed for 33 tonnes for the mining industry, a two-axle MAN TGS as a semitrailer tractor, a payload optimized truck mixer on a four-axle MAN TGS, a three-axle MAN TGX tipper, and a crane tipper from the TGL series. Five other vehicles will also be located in an open space in front of hall B4 at the exit next to the stand.

Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Hosts Truck Drivers’ League and 2016 Skills Competition Commercial Vehicles

Aimed at promoting safe and responsible driving amongst commercial vehicle drivers, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commercial Vehicles recently organised the long-awaited Truck Drivers’ League competition. Back by popular demand, the Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commercial Vehicles Truck Drivers’ League provides a valuable platform for Mercedes-Benz ACTROS drivers to hone their driving skills and compete in this iconic event.

First held in 2012, the Truck Drivers’ League is open to all drivers in the employ of Mercedes-Benz ACTROS customers. The participants must also possess a valid truck driving license and have undergone the Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicle Driver’s Training. A total of 120 eager participants signed up for the Truck Drivers’ League to help sharpen their maintenance, upkeep, safety and economical driving skills, thus ultimately contributing to creating safer roads in Malaysia.

Participants completed a series of qualifying rounds which comprised of theory and practical tests before making it through to the Grand Final which was held at The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Through the Truck Drivers’ League, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commercial Vehicles is able to assess Malaysian truck drivers and maintain drivers’ standards in the haulage business. “We are delighted that we had a positive turnout at this 2016 Truck Driver’s League Competition. As part of the Daimler truck division, Mercedes-Benz trucks have been a hallmark of premium quality for 120 years,” said Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Vice-President, Commercial Vehicles, Mr Albert Yee.

In the Grand Finals, Khairul Azhar bin Samaron of Landbridge Haulage (M) Sdn Bhd emerged the grand winner, showcasing skilled mastery of impressive driving techniques and exhibiting vast technical vehicle knowledge. For his outstanding skills, Khairul Azhar bin Samaron won an exclusive trip to the International Motor Show (IAA) in Hannover, Germany, RM5,000 in cash, and his employer, Landbridge Haulage (M) Sdn Bhd, will receive parts and service vouchers worth RM10,000.

Meanwhile, Asis bin Haling of Broadlink Haulage Sdn Bhd and Mohamad Firdaus Bin Sareh Zainol Abidin of Swift Haulage Sdn Bhd were named first and second runner-up, receiving RM8,000 and RM5,000 cash prizes and RM7,000 and RM5,000 parts and service vouchers for Broadlink Haulage Sdn Bhd and Swift Haulage Sdn Bhd respectively. Two consolation prizes of cash, parts and service vouchers valued at RM5,000 and RM3,500 were also presented.

Held within the same period, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commercial Vehicles organised the 2016 Skills Competition Commercial Vehicles. It is the first-ever standalone skills competition for commercial vehicles aimed to inspire its after-sales personnel to continue learning and improving in line with the Mercedes-Benz training philosophy of life-long learning. The competition attracted 39 qualified technicians from Mercedes-Benz Malaysia’s dealerships nationwide, testing their skills and technical knowledge to win a total of RM31,000 in cash prizes.

Over a four-month period, qualified system technicians and qualified maintenance technicians were assessed on theory and practical tests that incorporated drive train, chassis, body-electrical and non-technical aspects involving Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Commercial Vehicles. Adhering to Mercedes-Benz highest standards of quality, the participants were evaluated by a team of Daimler AG-certified trainers and area-specific experts.
Commenting on the Skills Competition, Mr Albert Yee added, “The main aim of the Skills Competition Commercial Vehicles is for technicians to sharpen their skills and knowledge regardless of years of technical experience to maintain great quality of service at each dealership. The competition promotes and fosters the spirit of continuous self-development and life-long learning. It also serves to uplift staff motivation and morale level, and raises our national skills’ level in line with international standards.”

In a neck and neck challenge, Muhamad Syamim bin Othman from Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd (Johor Bahru) emerged victorious in the Qualified System Technicians’ category, bagging a cash prize of RM7,500. The first and second runner-up positions went to Saharudin bin Ahmad from Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd (Perak) and Kenny George from Hap Seng Commercial Vehicles Sdn Bhd (Kota Kinabalu), who won RM5,000 and RM3,500 respectively. Consolation prizes of RM1,000 went to Ravichandaran a/l Balakrishnan from Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd (Batu Caves), and Law Yi You from Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd (Northern).

Under the Qualified Maintenance Technicians’ category, Muhammad Aizat bin Baharim from Q-Team Sdn Bhd took first place, winning RM 5,000 in cash. Mohd Syafiq bin Mohd Sharif from Hap Seng Commercial Vehicles Sdn Bhd (Kuantan) and Victor Using from Rick Huat Workshop Sdn Bhd were named first and second runner-up, receiving cash prizes worth RM3,500 and RM2,500 respectively. Consolation prizes of RM1,000 cash went to Muralinathan Pilai a/l Nadarasan Pelai from Cycle & Carriage Bintang Bhd (Perak) and Mohamad Zain bin Yaacob from Hap Seng Commercial Vehicles Sdn Bhd (Kinrara).

“Customers are ultimately the heart of our business and as a producer of commercial vehicle brands, it is natural that we strive to enhance teamwork and skill sets of our technicians. The Truck Drivers’ League and 2016 Skills Competition Commercial Vehicles ultimately benefit our valued customers as it serves to ensure our promise of trucks you can trust,” concluded Yee.

New commercial vehicle air cleaners for the Asian market

Commercial vehicle manufacturers always place high demands on the robust product quality of air cleaners for the Asian market. Pressure to lengthen the service intervals under high-dust operating conditions is also increasing. MANN+HUMMEL has developed two new air cleaners for this purpose. Both concepts are freely available on the market and are not subject to exclusive rights.

The Far Eastern commercial vehicle markets continue to offer great development potential, not only due to their size. Many local manufacturers are updating their models as a result of the introduction of new legislation, but also to open up new growth markets. MANN+HUMMEL is introducing a successor product to the successful standard NLG series air cleaner onto the Chinese market. The new air cleaner is characterized above all by a higher dust holding capacity. In India, the Ludwigsburg-based filtration expert is offering a new alternative to the widely-used sheet metal air cleaners in light to moderately heavy commercial vehicles.

Improved standard air cleaner with higher dust holding capacity for China
The first air cleaner is the successor of the current NLG standard series air cleaner which is successfully established on the Chinese market. The product is designed for use in medium to heavy commercial vehicles with nominal flow rates of 28 m3/min.

In addition to a robust product design, one significant objective in developing the new air cleaner was to achieve a significant increase in its dust holding capacity while retaining approximately the same dimensions and low initial pressure drop. This was achieved through a new design for the air inlet. While the previous design had an inlet in the middle and an additional air guiding device for dust pre-separation, the new design has a tangential air inlet and an air guiding fitting already integrated in the housing. The result of this change is a dust holding capacity which is greater by up to 50 percent and also cost savings as the air guiding device is no longer required. A further innovation is that a service indicator available as an option can be connected to the air cleaner.

The air cleaner can be mounted in 90° positions in relation to the air inlet which opens up a large number of mounting and fitting possibilities. In addition, by means of tool change actions, the air inlet can be set to be tangential to the right or left side of the housing and the position of the dust discharge valve can also be selected to match the installation position of the filter on the vehicle.

One additional target of this new development was to adopt the proven technical solution of the previous filter. For example, polypropylene reinforced with fiber glass is used for the housing material and overmolded threaded inserts are used to mount the air cleaner to the vehicle.

MANN+HUMMEL also falls back on proven technology for the filter elements. The main filter element has a traditional radial seal. A safety element available as an option is screwed into the air cleaner housing and sealed with an O-ring. The servicing of the element can be made without special tools.

Alternative to metal air cleaners in India
The second air cleaner is a new development for the Indian market designed for use in light to moderately heavy commercial vehicles with a nominal air flow rate of 16 m3/min. One major objective of this new development was to offer an alternative to the present sheet metal air cleaners which are still very widespread on this market. For MANN+HUMMEL, it was particularly important to increase filtration performance while also reducing weight and costs. Through the use of polypropylene reinforced with fiber glass, the filtration expert has also achieved a weight reduction without compromising the robust concept.

The air cleaner exploits the advantages of a tangential air inlet and an air guiding fitting already integrated in the housing. A cost advantage has thus been achieved here through the simpler design of the air cleaner using fewer parts compared to systems which are still commonly found on the market. Depending on the operating conditions, the dust holding capacity has also been significantly improved. The fitting of an optional service indicator is also possible with this air cleaner.

In this case a large number of fitting and mounting possibilities can be realized by the use of an additional metal holder to mount the air cleaner. In addition, by means of tool change actions, the air inlet can be set to be tangential to the right or left side of the housing. As with the first air cleaner the position of the dust discharge valve can also be selected to match the installation position of the filter on the vehicle.

New HINO 3S Center in Subang

Taking another step to fit customer’s demand in Selangor’s suburban town, Hino Motors Sales Malaysia Sdn Bhd (HMSM) launches new HINO 3S (Sales, Service and Spare parts) Center, Soon Heng Motor and Commercial Truck Sdn Bhd (SHMCT).

SHMCT started their partnership with HINO with their 1S center in Klang, Selangor, where they ran a business of vehicle sales. Climbing up the ladder, now they have successfully up-graded their operation from one location of vehicle sales to a fully fledged 3S outlet under one roof.

The opening of this RM2 million building is based on the demand for premium services in accordance to its excellence in sales and after-sales support. “These achievements would not have been possible without the leadership and hard work of Soon Heng Motor and Commercial Truck Sdn Bhd’s leader together with 22 of the dedicated and well-trained staff as a team on their effort to improve customer satisfaction and service quality,” said Mr. Ken Iwamoto, the Managing Director of Hino Motors Sales Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

The opening was officiated by Dato’ Chia Kok Keng, Managing Director of SHMCT and Mr. Ken Iwamoto. The main objective is to strengthen the commitment to HINO brand and providing the best possible ownership experience for all HINO customers. With a growing customer base in the Selangor state, HINO foresees an escalating demand for its after sales service. By strengthening HINO's presence, it continues to deliver high quality products and provide excellent services and to keep improving customer satisfaction and reaffirms its position as one of the top selling commercial brand in this state. Given this encouraging sales record, HMSM are confident that SHMCT is able to maintain the status of an undisputed HINO dealership for years to come.

Good customer service is promised as SHMCT offer a number of packages such as ProCare, which provides a door-to-door assistance service and a 24 hours breakdown service. The center is equipped with maintenance bays and an Express Maintenance Bay (EMB) that guarantees a 30 minutes speed service exclusively for their customers which applicable by appointment.

To add a bit of hospitality, SHMCT serve their customers inside a roomy airconditioned area and WIFI connectivity to cater to the needs of busy customers while they are waiting for their trucks’ servicing to be completed. The center is strategically located at Lot 7911-KL1, Jalan Pekan Subang, Kampung Baru Subang Seksyen U6, 40150 Shah Alam Selangor, which can be easily seen from the road.

Nippon Paint unveils 2016/2017 automotive colour trends for Asia

Not just cars owners, but truck operators can as well choose colours from three themes to suit their personality and vehicle.

Nippon Paint Malaysia Group (“Nippon Paint”) unveiled the Automotive Trend Colour 2016/17 which comes in 39 colours based on three key themes – Wander-Lust, New Eco and We Are One.

Optimised for the automotive industry, Automotive Trend Colours 2016/2017 are based on the Asia Pacific Chromazone Colour Forecasting Workshop that was organised by Nippon Paint in collaboration with Colour Marketing Group. The initiative brought together 80 design professionals from across Asia to develop a truly Asian colour palette.

The Automotive Trend Colour initiative aims to be the reference point for professionals and users in automotive industry that includes cars, motorcycles, helmets and others besides commercial vehicles. The automotive colours were each given a persona and story for consumers to truly call a colour their own.

“Our paint can also be used for trucks, but unfortunetly not all colours are allowed by the Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) because there are certain standards imposed by JPJ that truck operators needs to follow,” said Mr Alex Yoong, Assistant Generel Manager (Marketing) of Nippont Paint Malaysia Group.

“Taking leadership on colour innovations and our focus in the Asia markets, we at Nippon Paint are introducing these colours that are set to drive the trend for the current and coming years. We understand that motor vehicles are not merely modes of transportation but an extension of our personality and an emblem of our achievements in life. Similarly, just like decorative coatings, automotive colours can also be used as a platform for self-expression and this is an important facet for our consumers,” said he added.

Pastikan ayam-ayam ini terus hidup!

Bulan ini, kami mendekati para pemandu yang membawa kargo yang sedikit istimewa: ayam hidup.

Malaysia sangat panas dan kita orang Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi, sangat memahami perkara ini. Cuaca panas ini sangatlah mencabar bagi pemandu trak yang membawa ayam hidup. Pemandu trak kita bulan ini, Mr Siva, 31, telah membawa 3300 ayam setiap hari selama tujuh tahun.

Walaupun waktu bekerjanya tidaklah tetap, namun ia dikawal oleh keperluan kargo yang ingin dipindahkan itu. Perkara pertama setiap hari (iaitu setiap lewat hari) adalah untuk mengangkut ayam-ayam daripada ladang sebelum ia dihantar ke pelanggan di seluruh Malaysia. Dan ini memang selalunya berlaku pada waktu petang. “Ayam akan mati jika cuaca terlalu panas, maka, kita perlu sentiasa membasahkan mereka dengan air. Menyembur mereka dengan air dan membawa mereka di waktu malam adalah cara terbaik untuk menghantar ayam pada perjalanan yang panjang,” jelas Siva.

Kerjaya Siva memerlukan beliau memandu pada waktu siang dan malam, dengan itu mewajibkan beliau untuk, bukan sahaja fokus kepada keselamatan trak dan ayam yang diangkut, tetapi juga kesihatan tubuh badannya sendiri. Beliau turut menyatakan bahawa beliau akan menyertai jiran tetangga bermain bola pada hari cuti dan inilah cara beliau mengekalkan stamina.

“Saya tidak mempunyai masalah penglihatan pada waktu malam, tetapi perasaan mengantuk tidaklah mustahil dan ketika perkara ini berlaku, saya akan selalu berhenti dan ‘power nap’ berbanding memaksa diri untuk meneruskan panduan.” Tambahan pula, beliau mengatakan bahawa pembantunya, Mr Reana, membantunya terus berjaga dengan sentiasa bercakap, dan perkara ini memang berkesan menurutnya.

“Saya tidak memilih kerja ini, tetapi kerja ini memilih saya dan tiada masalah dengan perkara ini kerana saya dapat berjalan ke seluruh Malaysia serta masa kerja saya sangat fleksibel. Mudah sahaja untuk saya bercuti dan saya juga tidak menyukai kerja yang memerlukan pakaian sut dan tali leher. Dengan kerja yang saya buat ini, saya mendapat duit cukup untuk menyara diri dan keluarga, serta yang paling penting, saya menikmati apa yang saya buat sekarang.” Kata beliau sambil tersenyum.

Quester Open House: Arrived in Johor Baru

UD Quester trucks were first introduced in Malaysia in 2013. Followed by that, introduced earlier this year in May, the new Quester 8L has been launched. Currently, the 8 liter version of the Quester is making its way across Malaysia as part of the Quester Open House event, organised by TCIE.

Among the satisfied customers are Tang Pek Huang, Executive Director of Honwee Corrugated Carton Sdn Bhd, Dato’ Chin Kok Leong, Managing Director of Jangkauan Galaksi Sdn Bhd and Lee Chee Aun, Trading Manager of Jin Lee (Oil Mills) Sdn Bhd who were in attendance at the vehicle handover ceremony in TCIE Johor Bahru.

Honwee Corrugated Carton Sdn Bhd specialized in design and construction of customizable corrugated board that are unique and distinct to each and every of their customers. Tang Pek Huang, Executive Director of Honwee Corrugated Carton Sdn Bhd said “We have been in the industry for 15 years and we purchased our very first UD Truck in 2004. As of today, we have a total of 9 units of UD Trucks in our fleet including the recently delivered Quester. We trust UD Trucks as they produce very reliable trucks and excellent aftermarket services, we are definitely planning to purchase more UD Trucks in the future to distribute our products to customers all over Malaysia.”

Dato’ Chin Kok Leong, Managing Director of Jangkauan Galaksi Sdn Bhd said, “This is our first UD Trucks after being in the industry for 21 years. I’ve personally taken the new Quester truck on a test drive and was immediately captivated by how high-powered, easy-to-drive and comfortable. We purchased 2 units of the Quester prime mover and will be used mainly on transporting haulage from port to our customers within Johor Bahru. We look forward to establishing a pleasant relationship with UD Trucks.”

Jin Lee (Oil Mills) Sdn Bhd is a reputable and established palm kernel crushing factory based in Pasir Gudang. The company has been around for nearly four decades and they manufacture edible oil products such as crude and refined palm oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil and many more. “We purchased our first UD Truck in 2001 and to date we have a total of 6 units including the two new units of Quester tanker that we recently acquired. As you can see, our first UD truck is now 15 years old and with due care and excellent aftermarket service, our truck is still functional and is in tip top condition. As a result of this, we have confidence and trust in UD Trucks, we definitely look forward to more impressive trucks from them.” said Lee Chee Aun, Trading Manager of Jin Lee (Oil Mills) Sdn Bhd.

TCIE Chief Executive Officer, Wong King Yoon together with UD Trucks Malaysia Sales Director, Naoki Kobayashi presented mock key and appreciation gifts to Tang of Hon Wee Corrugated Carton Sdn Bhd, Dato’ Chin of Jangkauan Galaksi Sdn Bhd and Lee of Jin Lee (Oil Mills) Sdn Bhd at the Quester Open House in Johor Bahru. TCIE’s Wong said the Quester Open House event was not only intended to introduce their new vehicles, but also to thank customers for their years of support towards the company and its brand.

“The UD Quester 8L, which was launched in May this year, has been very well received by new and existing customers, this event is one way for us to show our appreciation to our customers,” he said. “We are delighted and honoured that UD Trucks has become part of so many successful companies, such as Hon Wee Corrugated, Jin Lee and of course, our new customer, Jangkauan Galaksi today. We hope that our Quester Open House events make it easier for new customers to learn about the new UD 8L Quester and our other offerings too.”

“UD Quester is the first real heavy-duty Japanese truck designed with heavy duty chassis, heavy duty cab and associated heavy features with a proven record of fuel-efficient engines and quality. UD Trucks have existed since 1935. That is almost a century of continued research and development in meeting the demands of our clients worldwide. Together with TCIE, UD will continue to provide solutions to various local needs through our high-powered, easy-to-drive and comfortable trucks, while providing top notch aftermarket service,” said Naoki Kobayashi, Sales Director, UD Trucks Malaysia.

As part of TCIE’s sales package, customers get to enjoy a year’s free maintenance on their UD Quester units as well as a two-year vehicle warranty. In addition, TCIE is also providing a special booking promotion to all Quester models booked within two weeks of the Quester Open House event.